Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The perfect award for Q

Q was recognized for always choosing inclusion. The best part was when his teacher sought me out to tell me that as soon as she heard what the award was for, she knew Q was the best person to receive it. She said she’s never met a more kind and thoughtful 5th grader ;). 

Hollywood Connection 2024

Isla and her team did so great at HC this year. Isla got third place for her solo and first in category for everything else. Her group tap got highest score for all groups in her age group!! She also got a scholarship so I don’t have to pay for Nationals!! I’m so proud of her hard work and can’t wait to watch her on the stage again.

The stone fruits are coming!!

Sometimes I just can’t resist them 

Thomas Paine

Q was Thomas Paine today. He crushed it of course!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Playdate

Isla’s friend has a little brother who wanted to stay while she had a play date. He was pretty cute. Kap and him had a few
Moments but overall they had fun- I think :)

The best part you ask…
Q was such a good big brother. He helped them find ways to share and was so sweet with them. He continues to amaze me with his maturity and kindness.

Here they are with the lovies and blond glory

Look who got another spotlight- this time on JDI

A little girl and her big burrito

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

1st Comp of the Season

Just solos- but oh so amazing!!

Isla’s improv showdown was the cutest thing!!!

3rd place for his first time ever on a comp stage! 

Look who popped up on the media company’s website!!

Friday, February 2, 2024

Specialty number showcase

I am so proud of these kiddos. They have worked so hard but also having the guts to dance by yourself in front of your peers is truly character building. Keep it up Bigs!!

Blast OFF!

3rd one for Isla, first for Q!! They crushed it of course!!

Doing big kid things

Just chatting with his new Little League Coach. I can’t wait to see him back on the field!!

So proud of his strawberries