Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Isla is making moves…

Isla has been at Evolution Dance Center for 4 years now. Even though she was at other studios before, this is what she remembers about dance… it’s all she knows and has been wonderful so far. We’ve made an incredibly hard decision to move her to a new studio. She’s excited but also learning how to say goodbye to something that has been a monumental part of her life. 

Her last comp at Evolution was bittersweet. Here she is accepting first place for her trio which was so well deserved. 

Onward and upward little one!!

Last comp of the season

Q cleaned up! To see his progress in just a few short months is indescribable. Even if he never gets on stage again, I know that this year showed him that he can do anything he puts his mind to. He is so brave and talented and his work ethic is unmatched. Proud of you always bud!! Now onto the baseball championships!!!

Isla is 9!!!

She had the most epic surprise party - on her actual birthday- which was a Wednesday. It was a ton of work and I doubted myself many times but it ended up perfectly and I’m so glad she loved it! I picked her up from school and took her on a shopping spree while final preparations were underway. When we got home, 80+ people yelled surprise. She got a huge hug from friends from all parts of her life, swam and had pasta. She is so worth it! Love her so much!!

The mall- no clue that we’re burning time…

 Morning wake-up love

Club Cove

Kap’s bestie from school had a “club” themed birthday. It seemed only normal to give Kap a man-bun for it (iykyk). Doesn’t he look like Isla? Also- he was totally ok with the hair but hated the club ;)

Now he’s a teenager - from the 90’s

Early morning work

Some of the Pauls

Serious talks with Emme

Pads Game

They lost but we had blast so we won!!