Friday, December 27, 2013

We have a solid-avore!

Q looooved his sweet potatoes last night! He was so into them that he couldn't even wait for the spoon to get to his mouth. He kept grabbing the jar and trying to drink it! So cute!!!

A big thanks to Uncle Poo and Auntie Chaz who were very persistent with their attempts at turning Q into a solid-eater while visiting!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Ya, that happened

Does anyone else find this as funny as I did?!

And some extra cuteness... Chloe still loves Q. When he tried to sit up she ever so gently pulled him back and politely said "excuse me baby." 

And more Christmas Jammie's!

Look what Santa brought for Q

He looooooves it!

A Very Kolbeck Christmas

We hosted the annual Kolbeck Family Christmas Party on Satrurday. PK got to dress up as Santa and pass out gifts cuz he's the newest Dad. Q Loooooved it and all the cousins, aunts and uncles clapping and cheering for him!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Solid Success????

Not so fast!!! 

At the 4th Christmas Party of the weekend I thought I'd see if Q would have any interest in sucking on a bell pepper. At this point I'm just trying to get him to experience more flavors. I don't know if it was the Christmas music, the jolly neighbors that kept telling him he was cute or the sunset but Q finally seemed to enjoy something other than milk! After a few funny faces, he happily sucked away!

So of course the first thing this morning, I tried again. He made his now famous "get-that-away-from-me-face" before I even got it on his tray. Oh well, back to the drawing board!

Friday, December 13, 2013

6 months

Yup... Believe it. He's 6 months.


And speaking of bananas, he doesn't like them or any other solid food we've tried for that matter. It's been a couple of weeks of failed attempts but we're not worried, instead we're gunna enjoy all the silly faces he makes as we try. I promise to add some shots of his anti-solid faces soon.

Here's a "no-oatmeal-please" face. 

Other things that are going on in Q's world at the ripe ol' age of 6 months...

He weighs 14 pounds, 7 ounces which puts him in the 4th percentile.

He's 25 inches tall which puts him in the 11th percentile.

He only poops every 4-5 days which is awesome when the wheel lands on you!

He doesn't cry often but rather screams "eeeeeeeeeeee" when he wants to let you know he's unhappy or needs something. His sweet little "baaaah" cry that sounded like a lamb has officially been retired.

He is obsessed with scratching EVERYTHING to see what sound it makes.  And then does it over and over to enjoy his self-made tunes.

He's been wanting to practice his new scratching trick at 1:00 am so we've decided to let him hang out in his crib, get it out of his system and then whine himself back to sleep... Or in other words, no more middle of the night love... or snacks. We just started but it's going well so far.

He swings! Check out his white knuckles... in this shot he was checking out a 2 year old girl who was loving the swing next to him.

As you can see, he still has a righteous Mohawk.

He's not truly mobile yet but seems to find a way to get his body where he wants it now. 

Has a crazy dog that loves to dress up

On the Corduroy front... He still loves to give Q kisses every morning but moves away when Q tries to pet him. My guess is Q has pulled a little too hard a couple of times. I remain convinced that once Q learns to throw they will be inseparable. Q already loves to watch him play fetch.

.... Back to Sweet Boy Number 2 (aka Q)

He thinks he and pretty much everything else in the world is funny and cracks up all day long. He will also smile at anyone who asks, even when he's super sleepy.

Just started wearing size 3 diapers and has plenty of room in his 6 month clothes.

Doesn't have any teeth. 

Loves to cuddle.

Still loves music... Jewel and "The Ants go Marching" are currently on repeat in the Manor.

Only takes 35 minute naps.

Is the sweetest little man EVER!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Lotsa Lady Love

Q had a great time hanging out with Pants, Tracer and Shannon last night! He was all smiles and giggles and cuddles!!

Practice Run

There are only a few things about Christmastime that I love more than pics of little crying babies with Santa. Yes, I said it and I know it's horrible but it's true.. I think they're amazing! And I think the whole thing is a great illustration of the dichotomy between what we want our kids to want and what they actually want. I've been toying with this thought a lot lately as I walk the line between how I want Q to be (a good eater, sleeps peacefully through the night) and what he actually wants... Cuddles before bed and a snack at 2:00 am. I know that this is only going to become more and more poignant as Q gets little opinions of his own and wants to wear shirts with Disney animals instead of the Vinyard Vines threads we're gunna want to deck him out in or decides to roam around the world before finding a respectable career.... My only hope is that I'm always able to remind myself to let him be him. 

Anyways, back to the point....

Of course, because I want a teary Santa pic, I get a happy one... Q was all about Santa on Sunday and of course I'd much rather see him smile so I'll take it! I also get some solace in the fact that this was only a practice run and we've got another shot when we find the real Santa this weekend! 

And just for fun....

How you doin'?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cordy's Spot

Look who stole Munch's favorite spot at the Manor!!

And a shot from the other end of the couch... Yes, he has socks on the outside of his jammies :)

All order has been restored!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Somethin' for Mommy, Somethin' for Baby

Auntie Linds sent me an awesome early birthday gift... A necklace and a bracelet that double as teethers for Q! He can't get enough of them! Check him out...  And please notice his chubby chubby hand and complete lack of a wrist!

Check out my new chair!

Q likes chilling in his chair but doesn't seem too interested in actually using it to eat. We've tried bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes and oatmeal and every attempt has been met with hilarious "yucky" faces and back arching... We'll keep trying and I promise pics are coming soon :)!

Little man does however love putting toys in his mouth... Here he is trying to get 2 tethers in at once!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

It's Official!

We had an amazing time in Tahoe with the Wetzels. We also agree that we at least look like we know what we're doing when it comes to traveling with an infant. The only faux pas you may ask... Forgetting Q's id. Good thing the little dude is so cute that he was able to charm his way right past security both ways ☺️!

Here are some of my favorite pics from the week!

Selfie with Bopa... Q was supposed to be sleeping... we think Bopa woke him up so he had someone to sing the Tenessee Waltz too!

Pictures with the cousins! Q loved reaching out for Cruz and it was clear to all involved that Q is going to be the troublemaker in this crew!

Baby Switcheroo

Me and my Sweet Sweet Little Man checking out Donner Lake

Playing in the snow at The Ritz

We tried to go on a hike in the mountains through some old train tunnels but the stroller wasn't up for the challenge so we headed home for some warm drinks and cards instead. Even though we didn't conquer the hike, Q was still pooped! Here he is all snuggled up and passed out on the way home.

And a here we are at the beginning of the trail. It seemed that snow fell only where we wanted to be

It was so sunny, Q got his first Trucker hat.

And with that... On to Christmas!! Ready for Cabo with this crew and Mimi and Bubba!!

Popped Collar Santa

Can't forget the family shots! 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013