Thursday, March 14, 2013

What's in a Name?

I am Q!! Yup, that's Q's little hand with 4 fingers proudly pointing up! At 20 weeks before he even comes into this world, he already knows he was destined to represent an exceptional legacy of Marshall Men as Paul Kenneth Marshall IV! From what I've learned over the past 3+ years of getting to know the Marshall Men, I know that Q will be smart when he wants to be, the life of the party always, thoughtful, loving, confident in his style, and adventerous. If it turns out he's none of those things...well, I'll love him just the same!

Every now and then, after telling me how much they love the name, someone asks me if I was bummed that I didn't get to pick out a name for Q. When I hear this, I can't help but think that names are cool and fun to chat about but the fact that my first son will be part of a 95 year old legacy of exceptional men is unmatched in awesomeness.

At this point, you're probably wondering how we got from Paul Kenneth Marshall IV to Q. Here's the math:
Paul K. Marshall IV = Pablo Quattro* = PQ = Q!!!

** We were in Cabo, and yes we know Cuattro starts with a C in Spanish (thanks Uncle Poo), however it starts with a Q in Portuguese and Italian so we'll go with that.

And with that, I will leave you with pic of the man that started it all... PKM the First!!!


  1. Welcome Q.
    Can't wait to hold you and hug you.
    We will fill you with milk and love.
    And eventually Corona and fish.
    So keep on growing. See ya soon.

  2. Love the tale of how q got his name!! Yay another blog to follow!!so excited, can not wait until next post.xxo mc

  3. I love that he is proudly displaying his quatro status with his 4 wee fingers! Can't wait to meet this little man!!! See you soon Q! xoxo

  4. Misty,thanks so much for the comments about the family. My Dad loved kids and even the ones from the neighborhood remember him with lots of stories. He was the quiet one and Mema was the voice!.(right PK?)He would have loved all of you and looked forward as we all do to seeing "Q" make
    his appearance.
