Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Got 'em!

Q's been working on grabbing both feet at the same time. He's finally got it down and can't seem to get enough of his 10 little piggies! 🐷

Monday, October 28, 2013

Chocolate Chips and Chatter

Q loves to hang out in the kitchen while I cook. He loves listening to me talk to whoever will listen and usually contributes his fair share to the convo. We've been letting him smell all sorts of things lately. Here's a shot of him with Uncle Poo smelling the chocolate chips... I'm not entirely convincd Justin didn't give him one ;)

And here's Q's "all done!" face

Saturday, October 26, 2013

So Much Attention

Q got lots of love this morning. It's so nice to have Uncle Justin (poo 💩) in town! 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Morning World

Luz loves to take Q and Corduroy on early morning walks to see what's going on in Cardiff. Q gets all bundled up and brings plenty of toys to keep his hands busy. Corduroy has been so tired after the morning walks that he's been choosing to sit the afternoon walks out!! Here Q is, all ready to head out into the World this morning!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

4 Month Wellness Exam

All is good in Q's world! We have a happy, healthy, thriving 4 month old! 

A couple pics to remember the day...

Family selfie while we wait for the shots:

Q after the shots:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Q here..

Hi everyone, Q here! I've hijacked the blog 'cuz I'm 4 months old and think I'm a big kid already. I don't want to do little baby things like lay down anymore or let my mommy do all the work like holding my bottle.

I want to sit up all day. I do baby crunches but can't make it up on my own quite yet. Once I'm up though I'm all smiles.

I put everything in my mouth. The coolest part is that I can grab things out of my Mommy's hands and bring them to my mouth on my own. Sometimes I come in a little hot and hit myself 😜

I still use my fingers to soothe myself and sometimes don't even need my Mommy to rock me to sleep (I don't think she likes that very much so every now and then I give her a good loud cry before I finally pass out).

I have an amazing ability to get poo all over the place! 💩

Haha!! made you look!! I managed to get this beauty on the kitchen floor while keeping my jeans spotless!! 😊😇😏

I am starting to really love my Dog Corduroy. Sometimes I pull his hair but he doesn't seem to mind.

And I can be real tough when I need be, we're talking a real bad ass. Check out my attitude in this shot

It's a good thing I can do all these things and am so rough cuz my Mommy's going back to work on Monday and I'm gunna need to be real tough for both of us. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Let's Go Red Sox

You may think Q is this happy cuz the Sox killed TB today in their first playoff game. That could be it but I'm inclined to think he's beside himself in these shots because he's sitting by himslef and thinks he's pretty cool for it :)

... In another part of the Manor...

While Q was having a blast cheering on the Sox/sitting on his own, poor Cordy was at the vet. Apparently he helped himself to some seran wrap... Mmmmm! Poor guy's on a 24 hr food ban. He found his way right in between PK3 and I for some extra love after little man went down. I think it's just what the Dr. ordered.

Guess Who

Slept from 6:00 - 6:00 and only got up once to eat...


And he's so proud of himself!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Bath Time #⃣ 4

Bath time just keeps getting better and better for Q. Now he has toys and loves trying to grab the water as it pours from the faucet. 


Q loves to try and sit up these days. We thought he might enjoy the Bumbo so we plopped him down (slowly) in it. He's still a little too wobbly to hang out on his own but he sure does look great!!

Ready to Fish

In case you don't know, Q comes from a family of fishermen. Both PK and his Pops (aka Bubba) love to fish! I can't wait for Q to join them and his cousins on his first fishing trip... Until then this hat will have to do! 🎣🍺⛵️