Thursday, August 28, 2014

Teaching Corduroy Some Manners

"Thank you" is by far Q's favorite phrase these days. He likes it so much, he will even force you to take objects so you have to say thank you to him. He also follows Corduroy around and tries to get him to thank him for things like giving him treats. 

He's also learning sign language and is oh so proud of himself. He knows "more,"  "all done," and "eat." I can't wait to teach him "thank you" in sign language...his little mind might just be blown!!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Preview of Q's 1st Birthday Pics

I mean COME ON! Look how cute this little man is! I wanted to be sure to get some great shots of Q's hair and I think we succeeded. Plenty more to come but needed to get some out there. Thanks Chris!!!

3 by the C

We met Sienna at the beach again on Sunday morning. I CANNOT believe we didn't get a picture of Q and Little Miss together.... AGAIN! They are quickly become best beach buds (BBB is way better than BFF BTW) so I know we will make up for it. 

And if I'm being completely honest...part of it has to do with the fact that I am usually trying to keep my sandy, sticky, wet, mess of a kid away from the pristine little princess that Sienna is. We're going to have to get real crafty when figuring out how to get those two close enough to get a pic while making sure Q doesn't cover her in sand, seaweed and whatever else he manages to find at the beach. Ideas welcome!!!

In the meantime, check out this classic 3 by the C pic -photo cred goes to Sienna's Mommy -Thanks Maureen!!! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Always Goofing Around

He thinks he is hilarious because he's holding his cup upside down. I think he's right :)

So funny he also used his spoon backward. Silly Silly

Then he gave his cookie to Corduroy and was very upset that he ate it. That was a hard lesson to learn.

And a late night (we didn't leave until 7pm!!) walk with Mama and Grandpa

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Thunder and Lightening!

Its very odd to hear/see thunder and lightening in Encinitas (though you wouldn't know that this year, we've had three storms this summer). Anyway, we were all woken up by huuuge claps of thunder this morning. Corduroy ran around the house barking for an hour and Q ran to me for hugs everytime we heard it. My solution you might ask??  Back to bed so we all could be more accessible for the extra needed love.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mama Flowers

Q picked me a pink flower this time. I pulled over as I was driving out of our neighborhood and he proudly presented me with his choice for the day. I took it to work and put it in the only water I could find. It's still doing great today!

More Garden Fun

Smelling rosemary. Q loves smelling things right now and is very dramatic when he does so. Lots of faces and noises come with each new smell. I think he might be yelling at the rosemary in this shot.

Deep in thought at the Self Realization Gardens

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Early Morning Beach Sesh with the Crew

Botanical Gardens and Peacocks

We had a great time at the Botanical Gardens this morning. Q could have spent all day there!! Too had we had to go home and take a nap to get ready for Pictures!

We took pics at Leo Carillo Ranch. Q did really well for the most part and we finished up just before it started raining. There were crazy peacocks all over!!