Sunday, August 30, 2015


Isla came to Tracy's baby shower with me today. We got to meet Baby Katelyn who is now 6 weeks old and of course, Cousin Chloe couldn't get enough of Isla. It was a great girls day (though I missed Q and PK3 terribly). Can't wait for Baby Everly to join the crew in November.

Holding Hands

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Flowers for Mommy

Every time Q sees a flower he says "I get it for Mommy." There are so many colorful flowers at La Costa right now... It's quite overwhelming for the little dude. I have to explain why we can't pick most of them but while we were waiting for the car we found a patch that looked pickable so Q quickly got to work. He promptly picked a flower, handed it to me and said "mommy happy?"

He then proceeded to pick out flowers for Daddy, Isla and Doggy. Such a sweet little guy.

And honestly, who's gunna tell this stud no?

Little Miss' First Swim

The weather was perfect, the pool was shady and Isla was in a great mood so we plopped her in the pool for her first swim sesh. I'd say she loved it! At least way more than Q did when he was a wee one. She was super chill and really seemed to just soak the whole experience up.

Getting pumped up from the sidelines 

She started in the floaty with the boys

Then did a little free style with Mom. I'm a little distracted here... I think I was saying "if you squirt the baby, I will have to throw ducky gun in the trash" for the 150th time.

All warm Après Swim

Headed to the Members Club for Dinner

Friday, August 28, 2015

Hold All The Babies

I love holding Isla while she sleeps. I was so worried that I would create a spoiled monster if I held Q too much. I constantly struggled with listening to my baby and instincts versus listening to the advice and suggested schedules in all the books I read. In the end, Q usually won but there were many times when I didn't enjoy the cuddle time as much as I could have because I was worried about breaking the rules. Looking back, I know I was nuts! A baby who needs a cuddle should get a cuddle! And this time with them is so precious and fleeting so I am throwing caution to the wind and soaking up every cuddle with Isla and Q (when he'll slow down long enough for one) I can!

If you are lucky enough to hold a baby today, give them an extra long cuddle and soak up the pure sweetness and gratitude from them.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

A Great Day in Q's World

Sunsets on the Deck

Q tells us he "misses" us all the time now.  Or he'll hug Isla and say "I miss my Baby." I'm pretty sure he means "love" which makes it even cuter. Here he is telling his Baby that he "misses" her while enjoying the sunset and some Grandpa time.

And here he is being a goofball


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Potty Training with The Best of 'em

Q loves Mia. I mean he looooves her. And I'm pretty sure she loves him too ☺️. You have to really love someone to find yourself in this situation with them. Melts my heart to see two of the people I love most in this world be this close... Literally! Thanks for a great day Mia!

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Here are some pics PK3 snapped of Little Miss this weekend

Sand Box

Q and PK3 got up nice and early to build a sand box. Other than falling out of it within the first 5 minutes of it being done, Q is loving it.

No Shoes No Problem When you're Cute

So Q has started taking his shoes off whenever he eats. As soon as he gets in his high chair, he kicks them off. He used to hide it from us but as you can see from the pic below he has no shame anymore. I asked him why he does it and he said "it feels better mommy." How do you argue with that? 

Little Miss Mo

Grandpa Time

Grandpa is getting really good at "two babies."

First Hot Chocolate

According to Q, "it's nice."

And his favorite... almond "nats"

And a whole bunch of other stuff too

And a little attitude after breaky