Friday, August 28, 2015

Hold All The Babies

I love holding Isla while she sleeps. I was so worried that I would create a spoiled monster if I held Q too much. I constantly struggled with listening to my baby and instincts versus listening to the advice and suggested schedules in all the books I read. In the end, Q usually won but there were many times when I didn't enjoy the cuddle time as much as I could have because I was worried about breaking the rules. Looking back, I know I was nuts! A baby who needs a cuddle should get a cuddle! And this time with them is so precious and fleeting so I am throwing caution to the wind and soaking up every cuddle with Isla and Q (when he'll slow down long enough for one) I can!

If you are lucky enough to hold a baby today, give them an extra long cuddle and soak up the pure sweetness and gratitude from them.

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