Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Happy With Daddy

Halloween Ready!

So Q keeps telling us he doesn't want to dress up this year he says "I'm not doing it Mommy, nothing for me." He also tells us that he wants his baby to be a bear. So last night we put his old beat costume on Isla. That seemed to get him in the spirit. All of a sudden he wanted to dress up too. Thankfully, we had some cool stuff lying around in his room... Check out or little helicopter pilot!!


Q gave Isla her first bite of food last night. He told her "eat this, it's better for you." And when she roomer her first bite he got so excited and said "my baby eat it!!"

She liked it, I swear!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Baby Legs

Someone is excited about finally being able to wear shoes and socks ...or leg warmers 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Movie Night

Q's favorite thing right now is movie night with popcorn. He talks all day about what movie he is going to pick and when it's time to sit down and watch said movie, he runs around and gets as many blankets as he can find because he loves to get all snugly. Here he is on a rare weeknight movie night high!

Pumpkin Pickin'

OWe went to the pumpkin patch with a bunch of friends! We had so much fun that we forgot to get pumpkins!!

Turns out Q is very good at carnival games...

This isn't as precarious as it looks. I promise.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Lunch with Daddy

So jealous PK3 gets to have these little moments of cuteness throughout the day. At least he shares with me!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Ended the day the same way we started it

... In workout clothes that we'rent used for working out. And at the beach!

Sunsets at the Beach

Adventure Mode

Isla is nothing short of OBSESSED with her Daddy right now. He walks into the room and her whole entire being smiles. She starts squawking to get him to look at her and will contort her body in crazy positions to follow him as he moves around the room. It is BEYOND adorable!!

All Boy

He is obsessed with peeing anywhere but the toilet...

And he's quick! I turn around for one second and this happens...

How We Roll