Monday, January 25, 2016

Quote of the Q

Q: "you're my first Mommy."

I'm guessing this is because I tell him he is my first Baby when he asks me why I still call him "Baby." 


So goofy

So serious

Her Fave

Bath time is by far Isla's favorite time of every day. She crawls towards the bathroom whenever she can and jumps up and down and throws her hands around as soon as she hears the water go on. Look how big she is!!

My love

And The Munch is never far away

Royal Rumble

Who do you think won??

Table for 4

We had the best early dinner on Saturday at Zenbu. Great sushi, great wine... The kids ate so much (it still surprises me how happy this makes me) and great running around outside in the moonlight after.

Disney on Ice

Q and I went on a last minute trip to see Frozen on Ice with our neighbors. It was a bit hard to get photos with all the excitement. Q sat on my lap enthralled and clapped and smiled! It is so fun watching him experience new things.

They kinda looked like they were at a rock concert.

Some of my favorite quotes from Q about the experience.

As we were leaving: "I was happy in there Mama!"

Q: "My favorite part was the scary part"

Q: "I like when the ballerinas get hurt."

Well... I guess that's what you get when you take three boys to see Frozen on Ice.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sometimes you just want to wear a vest

PK3 and i bought this little vest for Q on Nantucket forever ago. It still doesn't fit him but he loves it. He just had to put it on over his pjs the other night.

Baby Legs!

I'm loving being able to put Isla in tights... Good thing I had a little girl or Q might be in tights. J/K!

And yes, that's her little hand trying to grab the phone.

They love to wake each other up

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Crew

Do you see Corduroy?

Sk8er Boy

A boy and his Dog

Like Dadda Like Booshka


Winter sunsets are the best by far

Mornings with Dadda

Someone is loving solids

Someone loves his toy box

So hard to get pics of this one

Farm Stand

Such a big helper

Taste test... Strawberries or tomatoes?

Stroller for 3

Quote of the Q

"You don't eat noses, you eat dinner!"

"Where is my card Bubba gave me?" -all day, every day.

While putting his little hand my head: "you feel warm, feel me."

And my fave from today:

While walking down a hill facing West.

Me: "Q- look at the agua! That's the ocean."

Q: "but it's so far away."

Me: "No it's not. That's the water we walk to in the summer when it's hot."

Q: "You're kidding me!"

Me: "what did you say?"

Q: "I said, 'you're kidding me.' I am always kidding Luc."

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Monday, January 11, 2016

Happy Monday!

Q knows how ease into a new week.

Cozy blanket, nice fire, mommy's phone to watch videos of himself and a snack and milk hand delivered by Daddy with a kiss. 

It is so hard to get up and leave this.


Q went from hiding from the camera to shouting "cheese" and smiling so big every time I pull out my phone.