Saturday, January 2, 2016

Grandma to the rescue

It was kind of a blur so I don't even think I have a picture but I still have to take a minute to give my Mom the shout out she deserves. Neither PK nor I felt comfortable taking off a lot of time from work for the Holiday's this year. I just stared a new job and the learning curve is still beating me up and PK is on a new small team where every ounce of effort counts. Unfortunately (for us anyway), we always give Luc Christmas Eve through New Years off so we were in a bit of hard spot. Thankfully Jesse offered to take the time off so he and my Mom could come and stay with us and help out with the kids while PK and I worked. Add a very sick and busy Mama and couple sniffly kids to that equation and Grandma was in for a doozy of week. She didn't flinch. Isla had her up all night and Q had her up and down stairs so many times that her legs were killing her. She didn't say it but I'm sure her hands are cracked and peeling from all cooking and dishes she did. I don't know where she kept finding the energy to be so helpful but she did and for that I am eternally grateful. The kids had so much fun with her and were so sad to see her go. She took a little bit of the Marshall crew with her ... Unfortunately it was our cold 😥.

Thank you so much for everything Grandma, we love you and appreciate you more than we could ever say.

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