Thursday, September 22, 2016

First Uniform

Q is on the Mini-Kickers soccer team at Aspirations. He even got a uniform!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

3's Company

We were lucky enough to have Ellie over on Saturday while "Wood" and Kari went house hunting. So fun!

Dodo Break

Daddy's on a no-do-do-diet so he's been hitting Seaside with the Littles these days. Today was "Pez Day" and said littles lost their little minds! 


Q and Isla were quite the hit at La Costa today. 20 people must have stopped to comment on them. At one point, Q had 8 people watching him take shots on the putting green at the pro shop. I stopped looking for one second and he decided he wanted to see how far he could hit it- turns out he can hit it very far, like across-the-whole-store-far. Everyone, including Isla was cheering for him and he was grinning ear to ear as he did a little victory dance. 

These Two 💙💙

Friday, September 16, 2016

Morning Selfies

1st School Pic

Yesterday was school pic day. Turns out our family photog - the Fabulous Chris Nelson was on the job! She sent PK3 and I this little surprise to our Instagram. 

I adore the pic but I love what she said about him even more 💙😍💙

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Little lov-ERS!

They cannot get enough of each other! Can't wait to get Rocket & Cruz sandwiched in here!

First two weeks of Aspirations

Here are some pics from Q's first few days at school.

I think he's having fun!
We sure do miss him when he's gone!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Quote of the Q

The scene: me and Q in his bed, after a long, busy day. 

Me: ok Q, time for you to go to sleep.

Q: two more minutes please?

Me: ok, two more it is ( I can't resist)

Q: Mommy (in his Brittish accent) my hand just turned it to 5. 

I laugh, he laughs, through giggles...

Me: tell your hand it's crazy

Q: hand, you're too crazy

Friday, September 9, 2016

Busy Little Lady

This is how Isla has occupied herself while I've been getting ready for work this week

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Quote of the Q

All day long he's saying.... 

Q: "we love bee cheddar"

So finally I ask... 

Me: what? What are you saying?? You don't even like cheese.

Q: "you love me and I love you and we love bee Cheddar"

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Beach AND pool day

Per the usual...

These boys were seriously proud of their sea pool.

She may have a runny nose but she's still beyond adorable in her teeny tiny 'kini

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Will told Q that they were heading to Dosneyland for the day.

Q told Will that Disneyland has lollipops "as big as his head" at Disneyland.

Will brought Q a lollipop as big as his head from Disneyland

So this is (sorta) happening

pretty little Boosch

Ellie ❤️ Q

We are so very happy to have the Kneip-Halls back in San Diego! Q immediately took to the whole family. Welcome back everyone!!!

Milking It

I totally milked Q's first day and worked from home so I could rush to his rescue of the need we're to arise. And of course, I took advantage to get as many sweet Isla cuddles as I could.

Notice her dinasour shirt- she loves making dinasour noises so I had to snag this sparkly little number for her. She loves it