Just a family of 3 living by the sea in Southern California. Oh! and don't forget Corduroy...make that 3.5!
Friday, June 29, 2018
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Happy Birthday Bradley
Q and Isla are soooo into animals right now and Bradley’s 1st birthday at Aqua Hedonia Lagoon was eight up their alley. There were so many cool reptiles and sea animals to hold and learn about. One thing that was missing? Fear!!

1st camp in the books
And what a success it was! Q absolutely loved baseball camp this week! So fun to watch him try new things!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Lunch Date
Q had his first day of baseball camp today. We thought he’d be nervous but he crushed it! Well, leaving his baseball glove at the park doesn’t exactly qualify as crushing it but everything else was great. I was able to sneak away from work to pick him up and take him to lunch. He told

Me that he almost hit a ball over the fence and that his favorite part was throwing.
The Party
Q’s 5th Birthday was so wild that I barely had time to get pics. We had friends from all over join us for a bounce house, water balloon fight, piƱata and ice cream truck! Q wanted everyone to have a cape and mask so we put 50 costumes on the pool fence for grabs! It was a great idea- everyone had a blast, Especially our birthday boy!

Here are the few pics that I was able to snap:
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Last Day at Aspirations for Q
As if turning 5 wasn’t enough- now we need to say goodbye to Aspirations. Today was Q’s last day at his first ever school. He’s made some great friends (none of whom will be going to his new school), played a lot of sports, created some amazing art, and learned a ton! We are so thankful for the amazing team at Aspirations. The only thing that’s keeping me going is the fact that we will be back in the Fall with Isla.

Have fun in Kinder little Buddy- I know you’re gunna kill
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Getting Ready for Scool
Every time the topic of school comes up, Isla tells us that she not ready. Well, more like screams at us that she’s not going. This list, which puts Isla in the same preschool class that Q was in says differently my little friend.

PK and I brought cupcakes to Q’s class yesterday. Mimi and Bubba are on a plane out here. A hotel for dinner and night swimming has been booked for tomorrow. Super hero capes, an ice cream truck, water balloons and pizza are all on standby for the big party on Saturday.

It will never seem like enough. How do you say goodbye and celebrate at the same time? I feel so honored to have been the Mommy to baby Q and the Mama to toddler Q but it saddens me to realize that the days when I can pick up and squeeze him or fix his pain with a kiss are slipping away. I look at him with such awe, admiration and pride. His curiosity and kindness inspire me. Watching him continue to grow and experience the world excites me but selfishly it also kills. Every minute with him (and Isla) feels like such a gift- even when things aren’t going great. I want to hold onto that little baby forever but of course this isn’t a choice we get.
So we will celebrate. We will celebrate Q’s silly “dance fight” and the way he can’t pass by a baby that he knows without stroking their cheek. We will celebrate his competitiveness and new tennis swing that is quite possibly the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. We will celebrate that he only wants to be a “bucket filler.” We will celebrate that he loves to cuddle and read. We will celebrate that he takes his duties as Isla’s big brudder (to protect and teach her) so seriously. We will celebrate how he has captured our hearts and we will thank god for choosing us to be the ones to guide him through his journey here.
Happy 5th-Birthday-Eve Q-Manji/Budda Bud/Little Man/Sweet Boy.
Oh and I’ll take some solace in the fact that Q said he is also struggling with turning 5. Granted his reason was that he didn’t want his voice to change, but still! Where did he get that from?!
Monday, June 4, 2018
Sunday, June 3, 2018
Quote of the Q
The scene: after bath time. Isla drips her towel and starts running around screaming “I’m not cold!”
Me: she is so wild! Where did she come from?!
Q: she’s from the 80’s
Workin’ Girl
The scene: while I’m getting ready for work, Isla is going through all of my things.
Me: “Isla, how many of those are you going to open?”
Isla: “whatever is my job is my job ok?!”
Saturday, June 2, 2018
Friday Morning Pre-Gaming
Q and I stopped hybStarbucls on the way to school/work. Doesn’t he look like he belongs?

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