Thursday, August 30, 2018


New Buds

Last night Q told me that he “likes Kindergarten as much as can be!”

The night before, I told Isla that Q loves school and that I think she will too and she said “you bet I am!”

I love their enthusiasm!!

Here is a pic of Q with his new buds Christopher and Jayden in line this morning.

Monday, August 27, 2018


I’m rarely invited to join the morning donut run but Saturday was my lucky day! 

Good Sport

The Littles were so excited to make their own bath bombs... as you all know, they think bath bombs are the coolest things ever. Well, bath bombs and mouthwash- weird, I know.

Anyway, PK3 reluctanly busted out the bath-bomb-making kit on Saturday afternoon. It was going great until Grandpa came over and jumped in the pool.

PK was left standing alone with the bath bombs while the littles cooled off with gramps.

2nd Week

New week, new backpack. Q’s mantra for drop off this week is “Rocket, Cruz, Rocket, Cruz, Rocket, Cruz, Penny!”

He’s doing great but still gets a little worked up around drop off. So he thinks about something that he is looking forward to and then thinks about the video of Penny putting her birthday candles out with her hand- which he thinks is hilarious!!

To say he is over-the-moon-excited to see his cousins is the understatement of the century!! Hurry up Wetzel’s!!! 

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Another bittersweet trip to the dentist

Sweet because the kids do so well and have so much fun at the dentist. They seem so grown up when they answer questions and follow directions.

Bitter because it’s another reminder of what we’ll have to deal with as Q gets older. Don’t worry little buddy- we got this.

Penny’s birthday party

Isla and I went to an awesome birthday party at Michael’s. We crafted our tails off/made a huge mess and hand cupcakes. The best part you ask... watching Penny put her candles out with her hand.

Quote of the Q and Isla

Q: “Baby, what was the best part of your day?”

Isla: “putting on my dress and picking you up from school.”

Then they hugged a whole bunch- be still my heart. 


This one almost seems too meaty to actually discuss so I’m just going to leave some pics...

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The “Take a Picture of Me” Series

Isla has gotten into the habit of finding cool places that she wants her picture taken. I thought I’d start documenting them here. Here are two from our trip to procure the fish..

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Classy in first class


I know I have a lot of catching up to do here. I will get to our wonderful trip to Seattle soon- I promise. 

But first, Q and Isla filled up theor marble jars. They each have a jar (I think they will share a jar next time) and they get to put marbles in when they are good and when they help out and they have to take them out when they’re not being so kind.... it’s a  pretty flexible arrangement. When it’s full, they get a surprise! 

Anyway, during our trip to Seattle, they did so well that we filled up their jars when we got home. I didn’t plan that out too well. We were so exhausted from our trip but they were so amped for their surprise so we went to Petco to get .....

Drum role please

.... a fish tank! Which meant that I also had to go to Target to get a bookcase for said tank and Home Goods to finish styling Q’s updated room.

Anyway, it was a hit. Q is so pumped! Isla is too but it’s not clear if she really cares or not.

Let me introduce you to our newest family members:

Fish #1: Rock Rocket
Fish #2: Sparkle Sweet
Frog: Pedro McKinley, though it was something else yesterday and will likely change again tomorrow.

Welcome to the family team- all you have to do is stay alive!

Q’s bathroom also got involved (it was a big marble jar)- he can take showers now!

Monday, August 6, 2018

So sweet

Isla is such a little artist. She loves to paint, write, draw- anything really. One of her favorite things to to write right nowis Q’s name. She writes it over and over. She knows how to make I’s for Isla but she just loves making Q’s.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Ended the weekend the same we started it

More Ballet

Every week, these two do better and better... I am so proud of them and am pretty sure I will never tire of watching them dance. 

Love you girls! 

Our Mountain Friends

Q and Isla started calling The Gates family “our mountain friends” waaaay before their move to Colorado. It started when we met them in Big Bear for a few days.

Anywho- you would never know they were gone for a year. The kids (and parents) picked right up where we left off. We couldn’t be more thrilled to have them back!

End of a wee or the start of a weekend?

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Big “Practice” Day for The Boosch

We had some extra papers to drop off at Aspirations so I took the opportunity to bring Isla along so she could check out the classroom happenings. She doesn’t start until September but I know it takes her a little bit of time to get used to new things. She was quiet and shy but jumped right into some individual play. I think it was a good first step.

Oh and she talked me into 8 am cake pops on the way... I’m such a sucker!