Sunday, September 30, 2018

Momming hard

I should get OT for this... 

The scene: we snuck out in between Peter and Jess’ ceremony and reception for some pizza/sober up time. 

Me: We’ll take two more soda waters please.

PK3: My first one is still full. 

Me: Yes. Yes, it is. Drink up fucker.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Says it all...

Missing them

I’m only in the Uber in SD on my way to meet PK in Chicago for Pete and Jessie’s wedding and I already miss these two terribly...

Office Visitor

Isla needed a little extra TLC the other day so I picked her up from school and brought her to my work for a couple of hours. For some reason she thought she had to sneak in which of course I thought was adorable so I didn’t correct her. She snuck and ran her little-sequenced-self all the way through the building. Then she ate my whole stash of snacks, watched Frozen on my computer and decorated my door for me.

One of my co-workers, Narges needed to talk to me while Isla was in my office. Isla kept herself busy drawing a picture of Narges and I. When Narges asked if Isla could draw her long hair she drew a sguiggly line all the way up. 

Oh! And of course she hit the admins up for candy!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Proud Mama Moment

Q received an award (in front of the entire school!)

He was so excited and so sweet! Tonight we’re going to celebrate with the Krupps- Sweet Clair also got an award today! 

Keep up the kindness Q! You can change the world with your spirit!!

Isla is proud of him too, I swear. And yes, she has pink eyebrows. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A tale of 2 Marshall’s

My morning started with this advice-seeking text to a group of moms

The moms won and Isla went to school with leg-warmers on her arms and a ton of accessories. Here’s the final product:

At a school across town, Q’s teacher told me to make sure I stick around for a bit after drop off on Friday morning because he is receiving an award during an assembly. He doesn’t even know what an assembly is!!! I asked what the award was for and she said, “self regulation. It was really easy because he’s my only boy that can self regulate at all.” 

I am so proud in so many ways of both of them. I haven’t stopped smiling all week! 

Here’s a pic of Q after Sra. Ling told me the good news. He doesn’t know yet- it will be a surprise on Friday morning!! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Isla Says

Me: Isla, what was the first thing you did at school today?

Isla: went to the table.

Me: did you do anything nice for anyone?

Isla: I helped the one in a flower dress with her lunch box and the white shirt with her bear but it was outside.

Me: what was the hardest part of your day?

Isla: nothing, it was all great. I’m crushing it. I even went pee pee. 

But really, she is totally crushing it and I couldn’t be more proud of her. 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Learning Time

There were a lot of things that I have looked forward to experiencing with my kids before I even had them. Oddly, watching them learn things in school and be so proud of themselves as they showed us hadn’t really crossed my mind but it is absolutely amazing! 

We love working on what they’re learning at home. Watching their faces light up when they get something right is priceless.

Eating dinner in her “car”

There are two blankets, a pillow and a stuffy in there. She likes it so much that I just might let her spend the night in there.

Everything on her own

Relax-time selfie

Sneak Attack

I snuck over to Isla’s school for a hug on Thursday. She was in the middle of making sparkle play-doh. So sweet to see her I her world. I am so happy that she loves school so much.

Baseball Practice

Followed by snowcones

And a sick little Isla

Early Morning Undie Swim

Silly Dinner Time

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

First Day of Preschool

Aspirations is so lucky to have this one at their school. There wasn’t a single term at out of her! She is one tough cookie and I couldn’t be prouder of her.

When I picked her up, they were having a dance party. She told them that “what does the fox say” is her favorite song!

I love her so much and am so excited to see how she blossoms with all the new fun.

Pick up time! Can you spot the Boosch?

Kinder Days