Saturday, June 22, 2019

Our Family is Complete

Even though we’ve been anticipating his arrival for 10 months, it still seems surreal that he’s actually here and our family and hearts are full. At about 10:20 pm, a week before my due date, while PKM3 was at hockey and the kids were sleeping in our bed for “hockey movie night,” my water broke and it was go time! Jessica came over to keep me company until PKM3 got home. We prepped food for Q and I cleaned the house and took a shower. PKM3 got home all sorts of fired up and we headed to the hospital. We got there around 1:30am and were admitted right away. I got an epidural as quickly as possible (which wasn’t that quick) and hunkered down. At 10:45am it was time to start pushing and at 11:01, out sweet, perfect baby boy entered the world. We hadn’t finalized a name yet but pretty quickly agreed (with all the nurses) that we were looking at Kaplin Prescott Marshall. He weighed 7’4 and 19.5 inches long and was just sweet and perfect. Everything was deemed ok with him and me and we were able to go to the recovery room where our sweet friends and family could come and meet him. Tracy, Uncle Peter, Gwumpa, Luc, Javy and of course big sis and bro came by for sweet snuggles. We had a great first night in the hospital and went home around lunch time the next day. It was perfect and we couldn’t be happier.

We love you little buddy!

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