And some tummy time
Just a family of 3 living by the sea in Southern California. Oh! and don't forget Corduroy...make that 3.5!
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Quick Detour
Someone wanted bagels and OJ after school. Unfortunately, bagel places aren’t open at 4:00 pm- but Starbucks is. She ate a packet, 1/2 a bagel, a strawberry cake pop and OJ. I guess she played hard at school.

Aunty Lindsey Meets Kap
As soon as she got in, PK and I ditched her with all three kiddos and went to pick up dinner (and have a drink :)).

They got some pretty cute selfies out of the deal.
Monday, July 29, 2019
With very little thought or concern, Q decided to charge down these stairs (let me know if you want the video- there’s a very cute proud scream at the end). He is getting so brave! No doubt the motor cross gear is helping... oye vay

Uncle Lindsey
Yesterday, Isla picked out what she was going to wear when Uncle Lindsey came to see us today. She also picked out what she is going to wear to Uncle Lindsey’s birthday party. She loves her some Uncle Lindsey!

Saturday, July 27, 2019
Friday, July 26, 2019
So proud of today’s outfit choice
She currently picking out “lots of colors” for her nails to finish the look.
Goofy Boy
Heading out to deliver the bike lights that we bought for the neighborhood “midnight bike rides” that happen at 8:30.
As you can tell, he is stoked!!
Getting so big- and heavy
I took these two on a long walk on Wed morning. It’s been awhile since I’ve pushed them both in a stroller- it wasn’t easy.

Isla is still practicing on her Frozen bike with training wheels. We bought her a little bike with no training wheels but she’s nervous to try it.

Q told me that he told her that she just needs to believe in herself. Wise words from an awesome older brother.
Super Safe
We might be overdoing it on the safety front for cul-de-sac bike riding but after seeing Cruz and Crosby with their rad helmets, Q had to have one. Too bad he’s been sick since he got this great get up and hasn’t been able to try it out yet.

Shopping Spree
New dance studio + growth spurt = tutu heaven!!

We had so much fun with Everly, Penny and Abby at Stage Door. We’ll miss all the great teacher there!
The sales lady brought out all the tutus that they had in Isla’s size and displayed them on a ballet bar for her to peruse. I let her choose the ones she wanted with no input from me. She chose a blue one, a teal one and a black one- no pink!
As I was paying, she took herself around the store and found a black sparkly one that the lady had missed. Of course we got it!
We checked that her ballet and tap shoes still fit and learned the best way to put all her beautiful hair in a bun. Then we went on to Target for leg warmers of course. She’s all set!!
We had so much fun with Everly, Penny and Abby at Stage Door. We’ll miss all the great teacher there!
Look how itty my Boosch is. She is older than Penny and Everly and only 2 months younger than Abby. Love my little nugget of a ballet princess!!

Monday, July 22, 2019
Morning Crafts
Isla has always loved crafts- it’s never really been Q’s thing but now that we have all this extra time in the mornings, Q has been getting into it. This robot was all his idea and he spent 2 hours on it! This is the finished product but you get the idea...

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