The sales lady brought out all the tutus that they had in Isla’s size and displayed them on a ballet bar for her to peruse. I let her choose the ones she wanted with no input from me. She chose a blue one, a teal one and a black one- no pink!
As I was paying, she took herself around the store and found a black sparkly one that the lady had missed. Of course we got it!
We checked that her ballet and tap shoes still fit and learned the best way to put all her beautiful hair in a bun. Then we went on to Target for leg warmers of course. She’s all set!!
We had so much fun with Everly, Penny and Abby at Stage Door. We’ll miss all the great teacher there!
Look how itty my Boosch is. She is older than Penny and Everly and only 2 months younger than Abby. Love my little nugget of a ballet princess!!

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