Wednesday, January 29, 2020

New Tennis Threads

Tiny Dancer

Grandy (my Grandma) told me that she was waiting to have a true ballerina for a grand-daughter so she could gift her this ballerina Barbie. My Dad brought it over this weekend. Isla sure does love her ballet.

Love this face so much

Team Yogurt

We have one kid who loves yogurt and one who can’t be in the same room as it and can smell it on someone hours after they’ve eaten it. I was curious to see how Kap felt about it. 

Like everything else so far, he loves it!

Back at It

Q started practicing with his new baseball team- The Raptors! I couldn’t go but PK said he did great! The coach even said they might have found their first base man after catching with Q. Can’t wait to watch the little guy play this year. He’s been missing baseball for sure.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Best Buds

The Cas Crew came to meet us in Carlsbad after Isla’s dance. We rode the boardwalk and climbed some trees. Q went home with them after and hit golf balls, had a pillow fight (his wrestler name was Mark), worked on his pyramid skills and scored a new pair of shoes. Then it was back to our house for pizza and car tracks. We always love getting together with one of our favorite families.

Meet BeanBo

Q found this beanie at an adult yoga clothing store and begged for it. Given it’s so cute that I’d wear it, I couldn’t say no. He’s been wearing it non-stop and even named it BeanBo. I swear when he wears it, he acts a bit emo which I think is quite cute. He is also super particular about how it goes on his head and how the swoop of hair in the front looks. 

Dr. Appt with Daddy

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Are they for real?

Love that Mimi and Bubba do this

This was a pic of Uncle Peter’s birthday card from Uncle Paul and Auntie. 

Selfie with my stud

We call her speed bump

She is relentless in her pursuit of “treasures” at Q’s school. I try so hard not to rush her and to let her explore and appreciate her world. This is very hard to do at this point of the day. I have to repeat “it will only slow us down a few minutes and we do have a few minutes.” 

I also know I will deeply miss this when she no longer does it or takes herself to school and I’m no longer a part of her morning routines.

Big kids ready for school, ready to crush their days

Keepin Busy

Kap has become so curious. Keeping him occupied has gotten reeeeeal. We don’t have a newborn anymore- that’s for sure.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

My biggest big

And his vegan fusgsicle face

Relaxing bath

Isla needed a long relaxing bath after school today. I’m always happy to comply with this requesT as it seems to always help her spirit.

Mathis one is gong to be great at self care.

3rd kid benefits

We talk a lot about all the problems Kap as being the third kid. For example, he’s already had his first double ear infection thanks to the Bigs bringing home germs from school. He also has to wait longer for attention than Q or Isla ever did. He rolls with it and is amazing- perhaps because of it.

On Monday night we learned that there are also some
benefits  of being the third kid. Isla was eating a fudgsicle and left it sitting in a bowl on the floor by Kap’s playmat. I was on the mat with all three kids and PK was just a few feet away cleaning the kitchen. Kap wasted no time inspecting the new object in his little area. He was silent as he chowed down on Isla’s popsicle. By the time I got to him he was covered in chocolate. He was so pissed when we took it from him. Of course we made him pose for a pic before we cleaned him up. We gave him another little nite for “cooperating.” 

This was a vegan/dairy free popsicle. I can’t imagine what’s going to happen when he gets his little paws in the real stuff.