Wednesday, January 8, 2020

3rd kid benefits

We talk a lot about all the problems Kap as being the third kid. For example, he’s already had his first double ear infection thanks to the Bigs bringing home germs from school. He also has to wait longer for attention than Q or Isla ever did. He rolls with it and is amazing- perhaps because of it.

On Monday night we learned that there are also some
benefits  of being the third kid. Isla was eating a fudgsicle and left it sitting in a bowl on the floor by Kap’s playmat. I was on the mat with all three kids and PK was just a few feet away cleaning the kitchen. Kap wasted no time inspecting the new object in his little area. He was silent as he chowed down on Isla’s popsicle. By the time I got to him he was covered in chocolate. He was so pissed when we took it from him. Of course we made him pose for a pic before we cleaned him up. We gave him another little nite for “cooperating.” 

This was a vegan/dairy free popsicle. I can’t imagine what’s going to happen when he gets his little paws in the real stuff.

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