Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Play dates aren’t what they used to be

Isla got to go home from school with ivy today. They had dinner at Flower Child. Dessert at Nothing Bundt Cakes and had the rainbow treatment on her hands and toes. Lucky girls these two but boy did I miss her.


It absolutely wants my heart to see how happy Kap gets when he sees Q.


Look who just pops up in his crib whenever he wants now

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Running out of room

Don’t worry little buddy- I still find a way to make space for Q and Isla to sleep on me. We have years of snuggles to look forward to even if it doesn’t look like it.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

100th Day of Pre-K

Isla has been so excited for the 100th day of school party. They threw a bit of a curve ball at as at the last minute by asking the kiddos to dress up like 100 year olds. You all know that Isla takes her look very seriously. She wasn’t into sacrificing a day of Isla-fashion to the cause so I had to get super creative to get her to participate. How you ask? First, I told her she could have silver hair. She didn’t care about having silver (in fact she told me to take it off 5 times before school started) but I know she loves making “experiments” in the bath and told her the silver soapy bubbles would be awesome for such an experiment. That piqued her interest- then it was on to step 2. I’m not sure why, but she is super into wearing clothes to bed and pj’s to school (remember the PJ day suggestion post?). I told her old ladies liked to wear pj’s a lot (not sure if this is true and/or offensive) and that she could “sneak” in a pj day if we got her old lady pj’s. Better yet- that meant that we could buy her new pj’s and a robe! She was sold so $45 later we have 100 year old Isla. She wouldn’t do the glasses or wrinkles but I figured 3/5 of my ideas were good enough.

I have no idea why it was so important to me that she participated- that was a lot of work!! She did look adorable though.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Style Queen

Every now and then I get a “Trunk Club.” This is when Nordstrom sends you clothes, you try them on at home, keep what you want and send back what you don’t.

Isla wanted to watch me try the clothes on this time. I put a float pink dress on and her eyes lit up. She said “oh mommy, it’s beautiful. Let me go out mine on so we can twirl together.” It killed me that I had to tell her that we didn’t have time. Thinking back, I should have made the time.

Anyway- next I tried on some white sandals that I knew I wouldn’t keep. Isla said they were boring and promptly went into the closet to get socks. Of course I put them with the shoes for her and she loved them and said “that’s much better.”

Here’s her thinking face as she considers the shoes:

And a close up of the new and improved look:

Big Bro

Q helping Isla count 100 beads for her 100 day project. It’s so fun to watch him teach her things. 

A girl and her craft cart

She is such a little artist. I will buy her all the craft things always.

Could you imagine waking up to this?

What’s this stuff?

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Squash Monster

Current Kap mood

The sun smiles on this one

Modern day chimney sweep

Beef stick in the bath

 Q gets a keto krate which is really just a box of gross low carb food every month. But boy does he live them. He got one on Thursday and we made him open it upstairs because we got home late from tennis and everyone needed baths STAT. Big mistake. Kap was right in there and claimed one of the beef sticks as one of his “mission supplies” as Q calls the things he claims as prized possessions for a day or so. He wouldn’t let the thing go so into the bath it went.

I’m comin’ for ya world

You’re going down

Next on the list- the door stop in the master bathroom. Who’s your money on?

Q’s first jog-a-Thon

He missed it last year because -we’ll, you know. This year he crushed it! He raised a ton of dough for his school and ran more than 3 miles. You should have heard all the people cheering for him!! He always says that he doesn’t get to do everything at PE and it has to be weird having a nurse watch you the entire time you’re trying to play half of a dodge ball game. We showed them what he is capable of yesterday and can’t wait to do it again next year!!!

Go Q Go!!

He approves of the beignets
