Just a family of 3 living by the sea in Southern California. Oh! and don't forget Corduroy...make that 3.5!
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Too Blue for School
So this happened in the ‘hood. Most of the kids running around Hana Court now have “semi-permanent” (whatever that means) blue and/or pink hair. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again-many times, I’m sure- THERE ARE NO RULES IN QUARANTINE!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Fishing in quarantine
Your grandpas will get you outside for the real thing soon enough little buddy.

Sunday, April 26, 2020
One thing i love about where we live is that we are surrounded by super fertile land. Our house was built on old greenhouses and we are still surrounded by them. When we go on walks, we usually come home with a stroller filled with blackberries, limes, lemons, oranges, kumquats, lowquats, passion fruit and on and on that our neighbors leave out to share. You know who else loves this? Willy- our opossum. Awesome. He won’t leave... awesome

Nailed it
Work has been beyond exhausting

Cooking three meals a day at home has been exhausting
Trying to squeeze in lesson plans has been exhausting
Nursing a 10 month old has been exhausting
Figuring out how to clean my house has been exhausting
Quarantine has been exhausting
Life has been exhausting
I’m not hating this quarantine thing but I am tired
Isla’s outfit/face/mood just sums it upIsla found a bone in her fish
Can’t tell if she thought it was awesome or disgusting... we’re just moving on.

Sunday, April 19, 2020
Still getting dressed up- still nowhere to go
I had to do her very precise hair chalk while pretending to be fully engaged in a team Zoom meeting. I failed on both fronts btw...

Sunset at the Manor
Being at home has definitely helped us find time to enjoy the parts of our home that we don’t see often- like our deck. We have clearly been missing out.

Monday, April 13, 2020
Easter-tine 2020
We normally host a super fun Easter party. You have to ask us what we’re doing that day to get on the invite list, we heat the pool, drink all day and have an adult Easter egg hunt. It’s the best. This year, we didn’t even get dressed up in Easter clothes- not even Isla. Though she does wear her collection of Easter dresses throughout the year so there’s that. Anyway, there were baskets, a few decorations and a kid hunt (with left over Halloween candy). It wasn’t perfect but I am so grateful that we have our health, home, jobs and each other right now. I know I’m getting my holidays mixed up...

Isla’s face :)

Kap’s face :)

Pictures were lagging also.
Isla’s face :)
Kap’s face :)
Bike Rides with the Manj
Q and I have been taking bike rides around the hood lately. Usually PK3 gets to do this with him but I’ve been stuck inside working so much that I’ve inserted myself into the rotation so I can get outside more. It’s really hard to say no to Q when he asks you 1,244 times to go on a ride. And I’m always so happy when we make the time- We have so much fun. The best part is that he talks the WHOLE time and makes sure to keep asking me questions (like my favorite food and favorite 5 parts of Easter) so the conversation never lags. I’m also always so impressed by his strength. He’s a pretty little dude still but he can power up hills like the best of them - while chatting away. Yesterday Q was adamant about bringing snacks and water on our ride so we could pull over if we got hungry. It was literally RIGHT before dinner and of course he wanted carb-loaded snacks but we did it and he thought it was so cool! It also gave me a chance to get a pic. Love you my big buddy!!

Thursday, April 9, 2020
FaceTime Foolin’
Q and Cameron were able to FaceTime one-on-one. Cameron’s mom sent me this pic from her phone that night. Apparently Cameron knows how to take pics and apparently Q had a great time!!

I love all these little faces so much!
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Zoom meet-up
Nothing productive- just a bunch of awkward 1st graders who have been out of the social scene for a month. Distance learning starts on Monday- poor Señorita Martinez.

Our toaster is super in demand these days
Sunday, April 5, 2020
So dressed up
We should all be like Isla- quarantine or not, she always puts her best foot forward. She even made all that jewelry.

Post nap Oatmeal toss
This is how I find Kap every time I go in to get him after he sleeps. He’s standing up. All the Oatmeals are on the floor and he is cracking up at himself.

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