Monday, April 13, 2020

Bike Rides with the Manj

Q and I have been taking bike rides around the hood lately. Usually PK3 gets to do this with him but I’ve been stuck inside working so much that I’ve inserted myself into the rotation so I can get outside more. It’s really hard to say no to Q when he asks you 1,244 times to go on a ride. And I’m always so happy when we make the time- We have so much fun. The best part is that he talks the WHOLE time and makes sure to keep asking me questions (like my favorite food and favorite 5 parts of Easter) so the conversation never lags. I’m also always so impressed by his strength. He’s a pretty little dude still but he can power up hills like the best of them - while chatting away. Yesterday Q was adamant about bringing snacks and water on our ride so we could pull over if we got hungry. It was literally RIGHT before dinner and of course he wanted carb-loaded snacks but we did it and he thought it was so cool! It also gave me a chance to get a pic. Love you my big buddy!!

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