Sunday, December 26, 2021

In his element

Tell me you’re an old soul without telling me you’re an old soul:

Last traces of Christmas

I’m somewhat notorious for de-Christmasing our house S.T.A.T. post the big fella’s departure…some years it’s hard not to jump on it on Christmas afternoon. To be honest, I don’t even know why I do it. I can’t wait to get it all up the day after Thanksgiving. Our house lights were up Nov. 1st and I was 100% ok with it for crying out loud. Regardless, as soon as it’s socially acceptable (by PK at least)… out it goes! This year was no different. I started doing the dishes and BOOM all the Christmas gear was packed away.

All except for the left-over Christmas M&M’s and the memories of hot chocolate for these littles. I will let them have as many nights like this as they want- even if it’s June.

Notice no more Christmas jammies. OK, I might have an issue.

Thanks for the mess (I mean smiles) Santa

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Keeping busy at the doctor

Everything is fun with this guy- everything!

My Snowmen

I gave them carrots for a snack.
They turned themselves into snowmen.

Can you see it? 

Snuggle time

The Nutcracker

Isla did a thing- a big thing. So proud of her! That was a lot of work but she dominated and loved it- best combo.

Thanks Dad for making it possible for her!

Some pics- but you must watch the video!

In between shows:

Big bro came to watch

These two came to support her of course!

Backstage pics. one well-deserved benefit of being a parent volunteer.

Getting ready to go on.

Ready for the “party scene”

This was a last minute add for her. She had one day to learn the part. This ended up being her favorite piece. Here’s a shot of her in her dressing room- lights and all. 

That hair though 

Hot “Dink”

This entire crew has been sick -so sick. The docs
Told us to get a humidifier and make warm honey and water. Thanks.

Anyway- “hot dink!” Has become part of our routine. Not hating it after all.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Looking for the perfect tree

Well- in the parking lot before said hunt because they are nuts and tree-hunting and picture-taking don’t mix.

Pic of the tree- at home, most likely taken while they are asleep coming soon. 

I love how the Bigs both got down on Kap’s level… 

Christmas Man part deux

We bought this jacket for Q when he was teeny. He put it on and said, “I’m a Christmas Man.”

Kap didn’t say that today but you could tell he felt it. He kept it on all morning as looked for “uf” and told me all about it.

He even had it on as he lost his mind when he put his trucks in the washing machine in our closet while I got ready- and turned it on!!! So he can do that now. Cool.

Big shoes little boys