Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Cheer team

I had no idea this was happening but apparently Isla “tried out” for the cheer team at school and “made it!” I’m pretty sure everyone made it but I was not going to tell her that- she was so proud!! I have a video of the first cheer they made up- let me know if you want to see it!!

The cheer leader’s biggest fan

1st day of preschool

Kap was so beyond upset about having to go to school. He cried and cried for days. I had a feeling he was going to love it and surprise!!! He did!!

Given his mood in the morning, I didn’t get any good “first day of school” shots but I did snag some after I picked up and he realized he loves school and was mush more game for my annoying mom antics.

This morning he was all tears again- but this time it was because he couldn’t go to school today. I hope this enthusiasm sticks!!!

First time taking all three of them to school. The Bigs were able to cheer him up a bit on the car ride. 

He was so Into this lion and asked that I take a picture of him with it.

Aspirations does the coolest art projects. He’s going to love it!

Kap asked for a “group hug” before the Bigs got out to go to school. They were so worried about him.

After school- finally checking out all the things 

Telling me all about his day over a huge bag of gummy bears

Monday, August 22, 2022

Work from home views

He is for sure living his best life and I love being able to sneak looks at him while working.

Also- why does he seem like a teenager in this pic??! Where did my baby go?!

Meet the Sapphire Petite Team

Isla has been working so hard to get ready for this dance season. I cannot wait to see her back on that stage. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Back at it!

Mom! There’s Kendall!!

One of the things that I absolutely love (and didn’t expect) about dance was how important the community is. Isla absolutely adores the older dancers and let me tell you- they are amazing girls that I am happy to have her look up to. Here’s one of our faves! Kendall helped Isla’s Ruby team at comps last year and they are forever bonded because of it.

Thanks for being such great roll models big girls! I don’t want Isla to grow up any faster than she already is but I also can’t wait to see her be an inspiration for tiny dancers.

Doing 3 year old things

They’re excited to get back to school- even if you can’t tell in these pics

 Q is so thrilled his two besties are in his class!!

Friday, August 12, 2022

Sleep Under

Q has wanted to do an official boy sleep over (aka a sleep under according to sweet Crosby) forever! It’s never really been an option but it finally happened and he couldn’t be more happy/proud/excited!!

Went to the trampoline park
Got In-n-Out
Played in a kiddy  pool
Played video games
And invested a way to purify water- because why not??

Thanks Caspersens- you guys are truly the best!!

Q’s first stripe

Q got to put his full gee on today and test for his boxing stripe. Not surprisingly, he crushed it. His coach told him he was the best one there which is so cool because he’s also the newest.

Keep it up little buddy- we’re so proud of you!!

Look who I found


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Beach night with the entire dance team

She can’t miss a sunset

Watching the big girls swim post photo shoot

Cousin pic

Go Saphire Team!!