Wednesday, August 31, 2022

1st day of preschool

Kap was so beyond upset about having to go to school. He cried and cried for days. I had a feeling he was going to love it and surprise!!! He did!!

Given his mood in the morning, I didn’t get any good “first day of school” shots but I did snag some after I picked up and he realized he loves school and was mush more game for my annoying mom antics.

This morning he was all tears again- but this time it was because he couldn’t go to school today. I hope this enthusiasm sticks!!!

First time taking all three of them to school. The Bigs were able to cheer him up a bit on the car ride. 

He was so Into this lion and asked that I take a picture of him with it.

Aspirations does the coolest art projects. He’s going to love it!

Kap asked for a “group hug” before the Bigs got out to go to school. They were so worried about him.

After school- finally checking out all the things 

Telling me all about his day over a huge bag of gummy bears

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