Sunday, September 25, 2022

A very well planned out play date

I think Gwamma helped Isla plan for Sunmer’s visit: ;)

Obsessed with the decorations

Gwamma always brings the goods. I never realized how much entertainment halloween decorations could bring. They play with them non-stop, they make up stories, talk to them and re-arrange them Thanks for the goodies Gwamma!!


Q has been missing tennis. He and Joey finally got some court time in on Friday. These two could hang together 24/7, all they would need is 1,000 balls, a couple of bikes, a trampoline, good wifi and some nunchucks- oh and maybe a mom or two that just keeps the food coming.

Mayhem and cocoa bombs

Thanks for visiting Gwamma and uncle Jesse!! Kap told me 7 times during bedtime that uncle Jesse slept with him last night- how cute is that?!? 

And thanks for the amazing work on Kap’s Halloween costume Mom! You are a miracle worker!!

You win some // you lose some

And sometimes you get absolutely clobbered. 

Proud of you always bud- 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Kap at school

Every morning before school, Kap cries and cries and tells me he’s not going. He even faked-coughed this morning and told me his teacher said he can’t go to school because he is sickies and “dat not good idea.” Just to be clear, he is not sick. When he gets to his amazing school, he is all smiley and flirty and his teachers send me messages throughout the day telling me that he couldn’t be happier. 

I’m sure he’s somewhere in between loving it and being nervous still and I am more than happy to be his safe space where he can experience all those emotions. 

And thank god he has amazing teachers who he can’t resist when it’s go time.

Q is such a good sport


About a month ago, Q, Kap and I stopped at Costco while Isla danced. We came around the corner and saw these little skeletons playing banjos and you would have thought we were at a Led Zeppelin concert. Kap’s eyes lit up and he went nuts! Of course, I had to get them. It was August so I put them in the garage like any normal human being would but Kap couldn’t help himself. He would go into the garage and drag them out and into the house and stare at the box. I couldn’t help it anymore- I caved and set them up for him. He goes outside to “talk to the banjos” a few times a day. I love when it’s so easy to make them happy!

And yes- he’s wearing Halloween clothes already. This kid is obsessed with Halloween all of a sudden. 

Cousins are the best

Can’t wait to see what these boys do to Encinitas 

Everly’s old cape

Crushed his first Fall Ball game!!

Looks like he’s goin to be on the mound a lot!! I just love to see how excited he gets to play. This guy has so much passion. Can’t wait to watch you little man!