Friday, March 28, 2014

One Day

Every Morning while I brush my teeth, Q looks longingly into the shower. He's usually screaming and laughing and pounding his chubby little hand. Sometimes he even throws a toy in. Eventually, he always gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. I can tell he desperately wants to forge past the little wooden step but he hasn't mustered up the courage to do so yet. I'm not sure if it's the shower he's afraid of, or the act of maneuvering over the step but I know one day soon he'll conquer whatever it is that's holding him back and go for the grail, aka the drain. He loves drains right now and of course there's a big one that stares back at him from the middle of the big, ominous shower. Wish him luck on his journey!

On the move...

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Tonight as I was rocking Q before bed, he stared at me for a very sweet moment and then in the sweetest, softest voice ever... He said...


Monday, March 24, 2014

Hangin' with G-Ma

Spring is Here!!


Cookies! Q is a very dedicated little dude. One of his favorite things to do right now is pull all the circles (aka cookies) out of his play mat and distribute them throughout the house. So silly!

Monday, March 17, 2014

100 Percent Boy

Q is obsessed with wheels. Every wheel... His trike, the stroller, our rolling island. He can't get to them fast enough!! Here get is scoping out some sweet wheels at the park.

My Brussell Sprout

As I've mentioned, Q always wants to hold onto something that is not a baby toy. Yesterday, it was a brussell sprout. He recently learned that if he points at something, I will usually bring him to it. As soon as he saw them, he pointed and babbled at the pile of cold, green balls at the market. Being the sucker I am, I handed him one. He proudly carried it throughout the market, showing it to everyone and trying to "share." Keep in mind that if anyone had actually taken it from him he would have lost his marbles. Of course, he was cracking up the whole time! 

Pool Day

It was 80 degrees yesterday so we went down to the pool. It was cold but Q loved splashing in the water with Daddy.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Practice Practice

Q has mastered how to go from laying down to sitting up on his own. Like everything else he's learned to do, he practices it over and over and over. I'm not kidding, I think he sits up 50 times a day!! And he is ever so proud!!

Workin' on my Wheels

Monday, March 10, 2014

9 Months Yo

Yo YO yo! I'm 9 months yo! Here's what I'm up too...

I growl, all the time. 

I pull myself up to stand, all the time.

I want someone to hold my hands so I can walk, all the time.

I scream and laugh whenever I'm on the move, I think I'm hilarious pretty much all the time.

I throw things on the floor all the time. If I'm on the ground I chase whatever I just threw and throw it again. 

I always want to be carrying something that is not a baby toy, like a brush, wine cork, medicine syringe or remote control...all the time.

I try to pull Corduroy's hair all time. Of course, I think this is hilarious.

I've had my first cold and scammed lots of extra love and midnight snacks out of my mama because of it.

I don't have any teeth but have something in my mouth all the time.

I wear size three diapers. My Jammies are all 9 months but some of my clothes are still 3 months. 

I love to read. I sit still and let my mama read to me for about 15 minutes every night before bed. 

I say hiiiiiii all the time. 

I'm a cuddly, sweet, silly, happy little man, mostly all the time.


Turns out I might not have been totally wrong in my assessment of Q's behavior around his friend/first crush Nola. Apparently he gave her 2 kisses last week!! What a little Romeo!! Here they are at the park again.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Sea Life

We took Q to the Lego Land Aquarium, AKA Sea Life. He had a blast! And so did we. Watching him squeal with excitement at all the creepy fish was amazing! We'll be going back for sure!

Swimmin' with the Fish!

He even got to touch a Sea Star!!

And climb in a port hole!

We ended the day at the Carruth Bottling Party where Q helped out with the tastings again.

I'm calling it!

Drumroll please

His first word is.....

To celebrate, we wrote it all over the bath and had a "hi" bath party!

He also says bubba, mama and dadda but those happen all throughout the day at random times. He actually says "hi" at the right time. I didn't believe it at first but now it's as clear as day.

His word this morning was "up" he kept saying it over and over in response to nothing in particular. Once he uses it appropriately we'll officially add it to the list of things he says, right now it's just a funny sound he makes.

Q's First Cold

Getting creative tying to entertain the little dude on this rainy/sick day