Thursday, April 10, 2014

New Books

As I've mentioned, Q loves to read. He's becoming very involved with his books these days. He loves to point at the same objects every night and turns the pages (sometimes the wrong way) himself. He also jabbers along while I read. My favorite is when he gets very quiet and still when I whisper for the quiet parts, like when the baby is sleeping. Anyway, we had gotten into a bit of a habit with our nightly stack of books so I thought I'd mix it up and switched them all for new ones. At first he was super excited to explore them all, hence the blurry pics... He wouldn't sit still while he investigated all the new pictures and colors. Unfortunately that was short lived. As soon as we started making our way through the new syllabus it was very clear he missed his old favorites. He wanted nothing to do with the new books, so I decided to introduce one new book at a time. It's still a bit touch and go during "new book time" but I think he'll learn to love the new ones too.

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