Thursday, July 31, 2014


Q loves to give Cordy treats or "cheese" as we say at The Manor. He always thanks him for taking them from him and then songs for "more" ... Always lookin' out for the dawgeeee.


Q picks me flowers on his walks with Luc now. He's always so excited to show me when I get home. He also likes them to sit on his tray while he has breakfast. Funny little guy!


Q is obsessed with all things wheels. You can't imagine how cool this was!!

Unfortunately that was the last time we saw that hat. He tossed it out of the stroller on a log run with Mama. We went back and looked for it right away but someone must have scooped it up 😥

Monday, July 28, 2014

Can't Wait

I've been waiting and waiting for my advanced copy of pk's cousin's book. It has finally arrived!!!! Can't wait to dig into it... From what I hear, I may not be sleeping tonight. Eeeeeeee!!! As Q would say when I ask him if he's ready to read his books for the night.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Crazy Hair Don't Care

Park Time

We took Grandpa to the park today. Q goes to this park all the time with Luz and  it was clear he knew just what he was doing. The best part was when we heard the train and Q lost his mind. He started screaming and pointing to right where it was going to be. He was so excited to show us!

Q loved throwing sticks and leaves over the bridge and into the creek and watching them come out on the other side.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Mom Bad

After passing by Q, Luz and Cordy on my way to work, I got a call from Luz telling me to look at the picture she sent (see below) Apparently every morning on their walk, Q gets a flower and methodically pulls off each pedal. This morning, Luz told him to save it for mama. He understands everything now so he held on tight and did not tear it apart. Normally I stop the car when I pass them and get out for last minute love but today I just honked and drove by. Q didn't understand why I didn't stop to take the flower he picked for me. Luz said she'd put it in water and I promised I'd make a big deal and thank him when I got home. Oops... Sorry sweet little dude!!

All is forgotten hours later when a much cooler fire engine is brought into the picture!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Life

On our way home from the airport, we stopped for lunch. A was rather tired so he laid back and relaxed while we fed and fanned him.

Then he started giving Baby Car bites of tagliatelle and giving him kisses. I guess he wanted to return the favor.

More Tahoe


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Safety First

Big Helper

Q has become very interested in everything that we're doing. He wants to hear about everything and even try everything himself. Here's a pretty good example

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Lunch on the Terrace

After his nap, I tried to give Q a lunch of Mac n' Cheese and black beans in his high chair. He was not having it. So we packed up, headed to Seaside Market and bought his favorite things... Green beans, sweet potatoes, corn, carrots, chicken and avocados. Q helped me cook everything, adding the seasoning himself. Then he enjoyed himself a nice lunch overlooking the ocean. Much better!!

Friday, July 11, 2014


Please stop taking pictures and read me these books already!! AKA favorite time of day.

Seriously, look at the desperation on his face.

Every last one of them please

And I'll enjoy my bottle while you do. Oh and Corduroy is very much a part of this.

Feedin' the Ducks

There was even a dawgeeee!!

Bear Love

Wednesday, July 9, 2014