Monday, July 7, 2014

Funny Little Guy

Here's an update on what Q's been up to. If you ask me, he's a pretty funny dude.

He is still obsessed with my chapsticks. Everytime he gets his hads on one he brings it to his nose, takes a huge sniff and then opens his mouth and sighs loudly like he's just had a big gulp of cool water on a hot day.
Kisses every dog in every book and is now learning about kitties too. He loves this kitty so much that he not only kisses it but also hugs the whole book and says mmmmm.

Gets very mad at Corduroy when he tries to drink water out of his pool or water table. When he sees this happening, he rushes over to him and pulls him away. Thankfully Corduroy's been ok with this so far.

Points to his crib and says "dat" when he's ready for bed. I'm rarely ready to say goodnight to him when he does this so this one is bittersweet.

Loves to stick his finger in his Cheerios to bring them to his mouth.

Says "dat" 200 times a day while pointing to things he wants to know about. This always happens right when someone takes him out of his crib or picks him up. 

Says "hiya" and waves to EVERYONE, even if they aren't looking at him. 

Loves shoes and knows when something is awry. 

Loves to fake laugh and always looks up at the sky when he does this.

Scrunches his nose and sniffs over and over very quickly when people say hi to him.

Drops things behind his back for no obvious reason.

Stops mid crawl to stick a foot in his mouth.

Grinds his teeth and now that he knows how much I hate it, does it just to make me freak out. 

Uses everything as a tool to drink water... Shovels, boats, lids... You get the idea.

And of course, he steals our hearts every single second of every minute of every day.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait till tomorrow Q. Why?

    Cause you get cuter everyday!
