Saturday, May 30, 2015

Happy Girl in her Happy Place

And her guardian

Stir Crazy

As you can imagine, we've been spending a lot of time at home with Baby Isla. We are getting really creative with how we entertain Q. Here he is doing tunnel (or as he calls it "tractor"). This consists of putting pillows under a blanket and Q jumping, rolling, falling and "going bonkers" off the couch and into the tunnel/tractor. This is his favorite right now!

And here is a little less creative activity... Q running back and forth in the family room as fast as he can. He loves when we say "on your mark, get set, go!" And usually screams "faster, faster" the whole way.

Hopefully we'll be able to go on some family outings soon... For everyone's sake!

Oldies but goodies

Here's a couple gems from the hospital 

And happy at home 

Thanks for the pics Auntie Tracy!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sibling Love

While it is clear that Q loves his sis, he's been a bit tentative about holding her. We ask and ask but he just says no and usually runs away. Yesterday when I asked he was all about it! Here he is holding his sis for the first time!!

Girl Date

Isla and I had a date with Dr. Scanlan today. Great news! She is 7'7! That's 2 ounces of weight gain a day!! Everything else is good too. Aaaand we don't have to wake her to feed in the middle of the night anymore, we can follow her cues which have been very generous lately!! We were so excited we went to a cafe for a little brunch... My first time out of the house (other than docs and pharmacies) since she's been born. Way to go Isla!!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

A couple of firsts

First haircut

First time meeting Uncle Pat (my Godfather) and Auntie Linda

Friday, May 22, 2015

Pulling his weight

As I've mentioned, Q is all about helping out these days. Here he is helping with Isla's laundry. This was an extra exciting task as it also allowed him the opportunity to show off how strong he is.

Sleepy Little Love

No more pics please

Ok, one more

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

First Bath

Isla had her first sponge bath yesterday..she was not a fan. Given the amount of time our family spends in the agua, I'm sure that will change. 

Yes, that is Baby Isla in a blue towel. She is already environmentally conscious and insisted we use Q's old towels for her.

Isla Monroe - she's here!!!

After a long 10 months, she's finally here and we have the answer to the famous question (posed at least 20 times a day by Q) "will she have hair?" She does and it's perfect like everything else about Isla. She joined us at 2:22 am on May 15, 2015 after a very short and painful labor. At 6'12 and 19 inches long, she was exactly 1 pound heavier and 1 inch longer than her big brother. 

Q and Corduroy are absolutely in love with her and are adjusting very well. Q can't seem to give her enough hugs and is eager to help me in any way he can. My favorite is when Isla loses an accessory (sock, hat) and Q sighs dramatically, says "uh oh brothers" and rushes over to me to get things back in order. 

It's only been 5 days but other than being nocturnal, Isla is doing great. She is mellow and happy and loves to eat. We've even had some semi-normal moments as a family like sitting down to dinner. I don't think that happened when Q was born until he was almost 3 months old!! She's still very teeny... To small for 0-3 month clothes but she's growing.

We're cherishing these fleeting moments and soking up every bit of our bitty baby. As much as I want to freeze time right now, I am also eager to see the impact Little Isla will have on our family and the world. 

We're so happy you're here Isla!!

We love you Little Love.

Sleepy Boy

Having a new baby in the house is making EVERYONE tired. Q is really stepping it up though. He hands me diapers and wipes, picks out his own clothes and even washes his own trucks. Here he is hard at work early one morning in one of his signature outfits. You can tell he was at it all night. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Auntie Jen

One of the best parts of living in SD is all the family we are surrounded by. Of course we miss PK's family terribly and never feel like we see them enough but we are very lucky to have so many local family to help out and have fun with. This Sunday was a perfect example of that. My cousin Jen has been a huge influence on me. I look up to her more than she could ever know. Luckily we had plans to have some family fun on Sunday... Unluckily the Marshall crew wasn't doing too well so the fun took a backseat. We had contraction scares, doggy scares and lots of stress. Jen and family immediately went into help mode and pulled us together. Here's a pic of Q with Jen and his cousins while PK3 and I ran to get checked out at the hospital. Thanks McDonalds! We love you so much!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

New Hat, New Kicks, New Sweater

Maternity leave pre-baby is dangerous for  Mama's checkbook but great for Q's accessory drawer.

First Arcade Game

We took Q to Pizza Port for dinner... It's sort of a San Diego staple. Q ate two huge slices of pizza and then got to check out his first arcade game. He was smitten!

California Chariot by PK3

PK3 found an awesome whip at a garage sale. He dutifully fixed it all up for Q and now it's one of his favorite rides. Actually, anyone who sees it can't seem to resist taking it for a spin. Good job Daddy!!

Here's the dynamic duo and the Chariot on a misty morning.

Two Best Friends

Quack Quack and Mickey