Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Isla Monroe - she's here!!!

After a long 10 months, she's finally here and we have the answer to the famous question (posed at least 20 times a day by Q) "will she have hair?" She does and it's perfect like everything else about Isla. She joined us at 2:22 am on May 15, 2015 after a very short and painful labor. At 6'12 and 19 inches long, she was exactly 1 pound heavier and 1 inch longer than her big brother. 

Q and Corduroy are absolutely in love with her and are adjusting very well. Q can't seem to give her enough hugs and is eager to help me in any way he can. My favorite is when Isla loses an accessory (sock, hat) and Q sighs dramatically, says "uh oh brothers" and rushes over to me to get things back in order. 

It's only been 5 days but other than being nocturnal, Isla is doing great. She is mellow and happy and loves to eat. We've even had some semi-normal moments as a family like sitting down to dinner. I don't think that happened when Q was born until he was almost 3 months old!! She's still very teeny... To small for 0-3 month clothes but she's growing.

We're cherishing these fleeting moments and soking up every bit of our bitty baby. As much as I want to freeze time right now, I am also eager to see the impact Little Isla will have on our family and the world. 

We're so happy you're here Isla!!

We love you Little Love.

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