Friday, May 8, 2015

Auntie Jen

One of the best parts of living in SD is all the family we are surrounded by. Of course we miss PK's family terribly and never feel like we see them enough but we are very lucky to have so many local family to help out and have fun with. This Sunday was a perfect example of that. My cousin Jen has been a huge influence on me. I look up to her more than she could ever know. Luckily we had plans to have some family fun on Sunday... Unluckily the Marshall crew wasn't doing too well so the fun took a backseat. We had contraction scares, doggy scares and lots of stress. Jen and family immediately went into help mode and pulled us together. Here's a pic of Q with Jen and his cousins while PK3 and I ran to get checked out at the hospital. Thanks McDonalds! We love you so much!!

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