Sunday, September 27, 2015

Kitchen Helper

How cool is this thing?!


He thinks he's a badass

He thinks he's a badass
He thinks he's a badass

And then he gets a bath
And then he gets a bath

And he's a baby 
A big big baby

This is was we sing to Corduroy whole we give him a bath and he trembles with fear.

Q loved watching Munchie get all wet and kept going up to him and saying "ticko ticko" why pretending to tickle him.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Thumb Sucker

Little Lady has no problem getting her thumb in her mouth now! Or her fingers. It's still hard to tell which she prefers.

2 Babies

Baby Bear Photo Shoot

hello my cheeky little bear

Quote of the Q

The Scene: Isla is sick. She gets diagnosed with 2 ear infections. Q's cold that he's had for awhile and was getting over takes a turn for the worse...

Me: "Q, do your ears hurt?"

Q; "No Mommy. I'm happy. Are you happy?"

He is so intuitive. I try to hide my worry from him but not only does he see right through me, he worries about me and tries to make it better with his sweet, sweet kisses.

Love him so....

Monday, September 21, 2015

Morning Routine, my new normal

Even after Q was born I thought I was pretty cool for the morning routine I was able to maintain. Sure, it changed a bit but it was still mellow and I was confident that I could get everything done that needed to be done before I headed out the door... With a few minutes to spare of course. Well, we haven't quite gotten there with my recent return to work. Every morning is uniquely its own version of mayhem. Good news is I still haven't gotten fired ☺️! That's 6 whole days in the books! Here I am doing makeup while playing "knock knock" with Q. Mind you... We were all up at 5am this morning and there still wasn't enough time!

Thank God PK3 works from home and can help keep me sane. One of my favorite parts of the morning is when Q comes into my bed and asks to call Daddy/room service to order his chocolate milk. Daddy answers with a funny accents and promptly delivers his request with a smile and a hug! This is what the crew looked like around 5:30 am... That was a looooong 16 hours ago. On that note, this Mama is going to bed!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Learnin' to Lounge

Q is learning to enjoy lounging in the water, excuse me, I mean "agua" from the best of them.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Someone loves her thumb

Someone loves her thumb and her brother. Isla was cracking up today. Q had more than a little to do with it.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

I think I Can

Someone really wants control over when she sits up. She's working on it at the Ritz pool in North Star.

Last Mommy Nap

I love love love nothing more than being with my fam... Babies, PK3, Corduroy...all of them. I am so sad that instead of doing this in the middle of the day tomorrow, I will be getting acquainted with my new company and co-workers. The decision to work or stay home while the kids are young has always been an extremely difficult one for me. I wish I felt strongly that one option was better but I just don't and so I struggle constantly with whether I'm making the right decision. I do truly feel that working will better enable me to guide my babies in this increasingly complex world and that is why I do it. But the sacrifice is enormous, I miss the snuggles and tears, laughs and teachable moments that I know are paramount in their develop. And of course selfishly I just down right miss THEM. I just hope I'm making the right decision or have the insight and courage to change the path we are on if we need to.