Sunday, September 13, 2015

Last Mommy Nap

I love love love nothing more than being with my fam... Babies, PK3, Corduroy...all of them. I am so sad that instead of doing this in the middle of the day tomorrow, I will be getting acquainted with my new company and co-workers. The decision to work or stay home while the kids are young has always been an extremely difficult one for me. I wish I felt strongly that one option was better but I just don't and so I struggle constantly with whether I'm making the right decision. I do truly feel that working will better enable me to guide my babies in this increasingly complex world and that is why I do it. But the sacrifice is enormous, I miss the snuggles and tears, laughs and teachable moments that I know are paramount in their develop. And of course selfishly I just down right miss THEM. I just hope I'm making the right decision or have the insight and courage to change the path we are on if we need to.

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