Friday, May 20, 2016

To Isla on your 1st Birthday(ish)

Dear Sweet Girl,

I can't believe we've already celebrated your first birthday. And what a celebration it was. Mimi and Bubba, Lindsey, Jon, Rocket and Cruz all came to town for the party. We had over 130 people show up to show you how much they love you. You were late to your own party. It started at 3:00 but you slept in and weren't ready to join until close to 4:00. The best part about this was that everyone was there when you made your grand entrance in your tutu and jellies. You walked into the backyard with the biggest smile, waved to no one in particular and then made a beeline to look at the pool that we had just filled with water.

Lindsey lined what seemed like 50 kids up to break the personalized pink "1" pinata that Luc's niece made for you. Q was the first to go, Ellie Munneke insisted on using the bat backwards and even 15 month old Quinn Gates got into the action, even though the bat was bigger than him. In the end, Cousin Sydney got the first pieces of candy to fly and Daddy quickly broke it wide open with a couple big swings.

You had a smash cake big enough for 8 people all to yourself. I would have bet my bottom dollar that you would have loved it (you have my sweet tooth) but you weren't really that into it. It's probably because all 50 kids were trying to get a lick of the bright pink frosting. We helped you make a mess until you rubbed a bit in your eye and I quickly rushed you upstairs. You got frosting all over my new dress (I didn't care one bit) and Daddy smashed the rest of your cake in his own face.

Everyone enjoyed "Isla de Sangria" white Sangria that Daddy made and pizza. There were pictures of your first year and bright pink/light pink/gold tassles and castles for decoration. Overall, it went by too fast...just like the year.

I am so excited to see you grow but it is bittersweet as I already miss the cuddles and you needing me always. You are fiercely independent (especially now that walking is your main mode of transportation), you know what you want and scream, scratch and wiggle until you get it. You give kisses (which are usually more like bites) to a select few people and say a lot of words such as Mama, that, Bob, agua, dog and owe. You will usually use one word a ton and then we won't hear it again for weeks. We keep trying to get you to repeat it but you just look at us like we are nuts even though I know you know what we want. You love to eat and make a huge mess doing it. You also always share food with Corduroy and crack up as his tongue tickles your fingers. You smile at everyone and make it impossible to run a "quick" errand as you yell sweetly at every stranger until they look at you and then smile at them until they can't help but coming over to talk to you. You don't sleep through the night but to be honest, I love every little extra minute I get with you, even if I'm spinning from exhaustion. You love your baths and get at least one a day. You scream and fight every time we take you out of the bath and keep it up until we are able to get your clothes on -this is usually a two person operation.

You love love love Q. You carry his monitor around when he is still in bed waiting to hear him calling us. You even kiss the monitor as you wait for him. Like most 2 year olds, he tries to take things. You fight back almost always and you usually win whether by might or making Q feel bad -he's a softy at heart.

You are so so so very loved. Thinking about you and your sweet, toothy smile melts my heart day after day. There is nothing like coming home from work and scooping you up. I spend every minute until you go to bed on the floor playing with you and Q, I just can't seem to get enough. I am cherishing every moment with you and thankful every day that you chose me to be your Mommy. I love love love you to pieces.

a billion X's and O's

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