Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Wake-Up Brigade

I can only imagine what goes through Kap’s sweet little mind when he wakes up to all of this excitement.

Those are Isla’s little hands next to Q on the side of the crib. She is bending down to do peeek-a-boo. Nothing like the element of a loud surprise literally first thing in the morning. Kap is such a good sport. 

Video available too :)

Friday, December 20, 2019

Isla’s Christmas Performance

Isla and her class performed three adorable songs for us on Wednesday. Isla had been practicing like crazy! Like she sang “Rudolf” 15 times before she fell asleep on Monday crazy. 

My favorite part was when all the little kids started giggling and Isla had this scandalous look on her face when they had to put their “tails” in during “The Reindeer Hokey.”

Let me know if you want the videos! They also sang “Dradle, Dradle, Dradle!”

That was fun

We got home from tennis/dinner and Isla had an itchy red rash on her leg. Within 30 minutes it had spread to everywhere but except her chest and back.

We called the triage nurse, got som benedryl and by the time we woke her up for her second dose the rash was gone. I’m so happy this issue went away with relatively little trouble but I so badly just want everyone to be healthy.

First time in a restaurant high chair

Is that a thing? 

Anyway- he loved it and the broccoli

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

“I’m a Christmas Man”

The return of the Christmas blazer

And a very special Auntie Drop off 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The big reveal

I was a little nervous to show Isla her costume for her recital in May. She is so opinionated about clothes-always! Last year she chose not to do the recital because she didn’t approve of the outfit. I was completely ok letting this go because Kap was due two days later and it seemed like a good opportunity to teach her about making her own decisions. And to be honest I am completely ok with her studying dance and not performing and especially not competing. That being said, she was disappointed when the recital day came and she didn’t get to be on stage so I was hoping the fashion gods would help us and the Stars would align for our little performer so she could get the whole experience.

Here’s the costume! And thank God she’s into it! I am totally aware that her opinion just might change when she puts it on but it’s a step in the right direction. 

Can’t wait to watch you my tiny dancer.

Take a picture of me!

Another Isla-requested shot 

Feet all day

More baby decorating

This time with bubbles

Polar Plunge!

Happy Birthday Leo! What a find way to celebrate you!!

Early morning reading Sesh

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

My favorite

I miss letting this guy sleep on me all day 

I left work a bit early partially because i got to work at 7am and partially because I have a work dinner tonight and needed some time with my little loves. Kap had just gotten out of the bath and was ready for a snack and a nap- perfection. I’ll be sitting in the rocking chair for as long as he stays asleep if anyone needs me. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Farm Lab take 2

I am determined to find as many silver linings with this whole T1D thing as possible. Even though the district will a send a nurse on field trips with Q If we can’t go, I like to say that we must go. I love watching him learn and with his friends and it’s a great excuse to escape work and just be with him.

Last year we went to the farm lab on a field trip (before I “had” to) just days before Q’s diagnosis. I think about that day a lot. It’s a clear memory of a “before” day. I try so hard to remember how that felt because now every day is so scary and me “having” to be there just changes the dynamic. I’d still be there if I didn’t have to be but it sure would be nice to just focus on Ozobot with the table of first graders. 

But back to silver linings- I had entire school day with my little man who I am so proud of and absolutely in love with. 

My first love

Every now and then PK and I find a moment to appreciate who we were before all the littles. .. even if it is over text while we’re sitting in separate rooms in the same house  dividing and conquering all the care said littles require.