Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Farm Lab take 2

I am determined to find as many silver linings with this whole T1D thing as possible. Even though the district will a send a nurse on field trips with Q If we can’t go, I like to say that we must go. I love watching him learn and with his friends and it’s a great excuse to escape work and just be with him.

Last year we went to the farm lab on a field trip (before I “had” to) just days before Q’s diagnosis. I think about that day a lot. It’s a clear memory of a “before” day. I try so hard to remember how that felt because now every day is so scary and me “having” to be there just changes the dynamic. I’d still be there if I didn’t have to be but it sure would be nice to just focus on Ozobot with the table of first graders. 

But back to silver linings- I had entire school day with my little man who I am so proud of and absolutely in love with. 

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