Saturday, December 14, 2019

The big reveal

I was a little nervous to show Isla her costume for her recital in May. She is so opinionated about clothes-always! Last year she chose not to do the recital because she didn’t approve of the outfit. I was completely ok letting this go because Kap was due two days later and it seemed like a good opportunity to teach her about making her own decisions. And to be honest I am completely ok with her studying dance and not performing and especially not competing. That being said, she was disappointed when the recital day came and she didn’t get to be on stage so I was hoping the fashion gods would help us and the Stars would align for our little performer so she could get the whole experience.

Here’s the costume! And thank God she’s into it! I am totally aware that her opinion just might change when she puts it on but it’s a step in the right direction. 

Can’t wait to watch you my tiny dancer.

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