Sunday, March 29, 2020

Happy Birthday Tony

Wishing one of PK’s best friends Happy Birthday from the car in the middle of a social distance parade is truly a sign of the times. It was so bittersweet to see so many faces of our beloved friends and not be able to spend time with them, let alone give them a hug. This of course is a small problem compared to what so many others are facing and will have to face in the coming months. I am eternally grateful that so far we and all of our loved ones have remained healthy, we have food on the table and that we have The Manor to hang out in. We will get though this and I already know that I will look back on this time with sadness and fear but also gratitude for all we have and the extra time I get with my family. Stay strong // stay healthy everyone. See you on the flip side. 

In case you’re wondering which car PK chose for the parade- it was the International. It probably would have been the Jeepster but we don’t all fit anymore. 

Also- Kap is flipped around and Q is in the front because we wanted them to be able to see and we were only going a couple of  blocks and there are no rules in quarantine. 

Baby Proofing Helpers

Swinging into another 30 days of quarantine

We got this

Caught Red Handed

Someone snuck into the big kid toys

Favorite Time of the Day

Kap absolutely loves when we sit down for dinner. He typically gets bites of whatever we are eating which he seems to really like. He also “talks” to everyone. He makes
eye contact with everyone at the table and makes little noises until they interact with him. Given Q and Isla are there also, he usually spends a good amount of time cracking up as well.

Dinner and a show

Things are getting a little nuts at The Manor. The rules have been relaxed. Isla did a crazy little dance during dinner for Kap. He thought it was hilarious- and so did I.

I have videos if you’d like!

Ninja Boy

Q decided he wanted to be a ninja on Friday. The outfit was easy but the mask took a little more thought. I couldn’t find anything quickly and kept telling him that I’d help him when I had a minute. After putting the baby down for the night, I came downstairs to find him working on this. He came up with the the idea all on his own! I think it’s perfect.


Isla’s class had their first Zoom meeting. Isla was super excited. She asked for straight hair, was very thoughtful about what outfit she wore (of course) and drew a picture for all of her classmates to share over the video. When the time came, she was super shy and didn’t say much but that’s ok- I think she was happy to see everyone’s faces. These sure are strange times but it’s been super interesting to see how quickly people can pivot and all the new things that are getting life as we are forced to stay away from one another.

Another day // Another Fort

Covid has really helped up our first game. We can have one of these puppies up before my first call.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Saturday, March 7, 2020

This kid and his supplies

It’s a ladle today 

Daddy’s in charge = nap on the couch

Beach time with my favorite girl

Isla woke up asking to go to the beach- and proceeded to ask one million times. We had friends over but I couldn’t tell her no anymore- I totally get it. Sometimes you just need to see the ocean. We ran down for a quick walk and I’m so glad we did. I’ve been a quite worried about this whole Covid-19 thing and it was great to get away from it with my beautiful mermaid.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

He can’t not put the animals down

2.5 hour clinic appt today

At least the doc was cool with Q’s paper airplane antics and the rearranging of her furniture 

Finally done!

Self Care 101

Fashion Bandaids

Her style has moved to her first aid needs. 

And no- the size of the owie did. It warrant this amount of bandages or the limping that lasted an entire day...but it sure did look cool. 

Bath time entertainment

Poor Kap can’t catch a quiet moment. Just kidding- he loves all the Q-chaos. I might have been looking forward to a quiet Kap-bath but I’ll take a little extra Q time however I can get it these days.