Sunday, March 29, 2020

Happy Birthday Tony

Wishing one of PK’s best friends Happy Birthday from the car in the middle of a social distance parade is truly a sign of the times. It was so bittersweet to see so many faces of our beloved friends and not be able to spend time with them, let alone give them a hug. This of course is a small problem compared to what so many others are facing and will have to face in the coming months. I am eternally grateful that so far we and all of our loved ones have remained healthy, we have food on the table and that we have The Manor to hang out in. We will get though this and I already know that I will look back on this time with sadness and fear but also gratitude for all we have and the extra time I get with my family. Stay strong // stay healthy everyone. See you on the flip side. 

In case you’re wondering which car PK chose for the parade- it was the International. It probably would have been the Jeepster but we don’t all fit anymore. 

Also- Kap is flipped around and Q is in the front because we wanted them to be able to see and we were only going a couple of  blocks and there are no rules in quarantine. 

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