Friday, August 30, 2013


Q loved reading his Baby Einstein book today!

How I Wonder Who You Are

Q's been learning a lot these past few days. He is apparently experiencing a "Wonder Week" which means 2 things: 1. He's developing majorly right now and 2. He's majorly fussy. (Wonder Week is a nice way to put it huh?) Given Q is such a mellow man, this extra fussiness is easy to deal with and it's awesome to see all the new stuff he's doing... My favorite is watching him grab my hand and put it in his mouth. He's also talking like crazy. I might have spent 2 hours listening to one of his colorful monologues yesterday :). His favorite "word" is "ohhhhhhhhh" and of course he says it ever so sweetly!!

Uncle Will had the magic touch yesterday. We're sure gunna miss them!

Q was so sleepy after all his learning today that he missed quite the sunset. I think it's a Great Wonder Week Sunset and even though it's been fun, I'm eager to have my sunny boy back :). Here's a pic for him to check out one day. 


Monday, August 26, 2013

Sweet Sweet Little Man

Is It Weird?

That I find that I remind myself that you're a teeny tiney baby? It's 3:30 am and I'm rocking you back to sleep after an exceptionally exciting diaper change. An odd thought crosses my mind and I realize it's not the first time I've felt this way... you don't seem like a baby to me right now. In my sleepy state I try and figure out why this is and it becomes clear in an instant... it's  because you already have so much personality and character. I always (very wrongly) thought that babies were impressionable little blobs at this stage but you are so so so far from that. You are a little unique You, already Q in so many ways, you cant possibly be just a baby. But you are, at least for a little longer so I'm going to cuddle you a little extra tonight and savor every last baby moment I can. 
         ...It doesn't hurt that you have big, chubby hands and long feet that look like they could belong to a toddler :). I cant wait to see more and more Q in you but right now all I want to do is scream "Slow down little one!!"

Love you so much my sweet sweet little man.

Knuckles, Brides, Birthdays and Looby!,

Friday, August 23, 2013

New Things Every Day

Q holds his paci in his mouth now. I'm aware that this might be something that would amaze only the mom of the babe who is performing this little act. That being said, I think this is beyond adorable!

Not one to be out done, Corduroy now rides in the bottom of Q's stroller. I'm convinced this is for attention, not convenience as he loves walking and all that it entails.

Out and About

Another play date with Little Miss Ellie. Look at those bellies!!!

After striping down for a weigh in (Q clocked in at 10 pounds, 12 ounces) Ellie and Q hung out happily for quite a bit. Ellie was wiggling all around while Q was quite pensive and studied all of Ellie's toys. He also swatted at them, still mostly with his left hand. After tummy time the Babes had lunch and both took a nap! Here's Q passed out on Ellie's couch.

We went back to Fletcher Cove for the last Summer concert. Q and Daddy danced the night away!

One last funny baby face...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Spicing It Up!

Q is so interested in the world around him these days! We're making good use of all the toys that he was gifted to make things just a bit more interesting!

Can you see his hair? It's slowly coming back... Some days it looks like it's coming in dark, here it looks nice and blond :)

Tummy Time is still a favorite. He loves to lay here and study the backyard.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Pics Pics Pics

Q hanging with Cousin Wendy

Q hanging with Auntie Theresa... She had a magic touch for sure!

Corduroy wearing Q's new vest from Auntie Shannon.

General Cuteness 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Quite the Thursday

Q was quite busy today...

He played with Corduroy. As you can see, Corduroy is still trying to figure out what exactly is going on with Q.

He sat through another photo shoot.

He checked him self out in the mirror.

He played with his girlfriend Little Miss Ellie.

And went to a concert at Fletcher Cove for Chelsea's birthday! Won't be long before the kids outnumber the adults in this crew :)

The craziest part of this whole day... He did it all in the same outfit! Way to go Q!! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sleepless in Cardiff

Sorry for the delay in Q updates. Little Man went on a sleep strike for a few days so all my energy went to His Cuteness (or Quteness as Mimi would say). Thankfully, I think we're back on track... For now anyway ;)

We met up with Crosby for a walk on the 101 today. Crosby wanted to ride on top of his stroller which was awesome! Check out his hair blowin' in the wind. After all his sleeping, Q was wide awake the whole time and happily took in all the sights and sounds. 

Q's buddy Brenden let him borrow this vibrating chair thing. Q loves it! The best part is the three bears that hang over his head. Q couldn't care less about the one on his right or in the center... He only has eyes for the bear on the left and hits it over and over again with his left hand... I wonder if he'll be left handed??

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Q learned what "getting iced" is all about today

Friday Night Family Night

We had Q's 2 month check up today... All is good in Q's world! Here he is pretending to go to sleep to get out of his shots. It didn't work, he got two shots and took them like a champ!

After, we headed to Auntie Kim's to see Grandma, Isabella, Steph and Kim of course! Q couldn't take his eyes of Grandma and gave her smile after smile. He also got a ton of kisses from his cousin Isabella :) too cute!