Thursday, August 8, 2013

Whoa! 2 months already?!

Believe it or not, Q is 2 months old!! Today brings a lot of emotion... Love, lots of love of course, more love than I ever knew existed. Pride for figuring out how to make such a little, complicated thing thrive happily (most of the time) and sadness that the infant stage and all the joy and fear (and teeny tiney preemie clothes) it brought are over. I can't go any further without applauding and thanking my amazing husband. I knew you would be a great father when I decided to marry you but you still melt my heart every time I see you with Q. There's a lot more but I won't bore you with more about me, I know what you really want... Q details!!

At 2 Months Q:

Weighs 10 pounds, 2 ounces 

 Is 22.5 inches long

Sleeps for 4 hours at a time at night but won't nap on his own

Makes the cutest/funniest noises and faces as he falls asleep, think billy goats and bats!

Sounds like a sweet little lamb saying "meh" when he cries. 

Smiles... A LOT! though sometimes it looks like he's still figuring out how... He wrinkles his upper lip and his eyes light up but we're still a little short of an actual smile.

Is starting to babble

Still wears mostly newborn clothes

Loves the bath, being in his sling and tummy time. Oh and sleeping on our chests (after head butting us and kicking his way under our chins for 10 minutes)

Hates most swings and other contraptions (which means I get to hold him a lot)
And now for the pics!!!

Started off the day with a big nap at La Costa!! Clutching his Monkey and his Mommy :)

Followed by a nap at the pool

Play time with Mommy and Cordy... I try so hard to get that silly little smile. This is the closest I got today :)

Grandpa came to celebrate the big day!

An oldie but goodie... PK in action!

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