Saturday, November 30, 2013

It's Official!

We had an amazing time in Tahoe with the Wetzels. We also agree that we at least look like we know what we're doing when it comes to traveling with an infant. The only faux pas you may ask... Forgetting Q's id. Good thing the little dude is so cute that he was able to charm his way right past security both ways ☺️!

Here are some of my favorite pics from the week!

Selfie with Bopa... Q was supposed to be sleeping... we think Bopa woke him up so he had someone to sing the Tenessee Waltz too!

Pictures with the cousins! Q loved reaching out for Cruz and it was clear to all involved that Q is going to be the troublemaker in this crew!

Baby Switcheroo

Me and my Sweet Sweet Little Man checking out Donner Lake

Playing in the snow at The Ritz

We tried to go on a hike in the mountains through some old train tunnels but the stroller wasn't up for the challenge so we headed home for some warm drinks and cards instead. Even though we didn't conquer the hike, Q was still pooped! Here he is all snuggled up and passed out on the way home.

And a here we are at the beginning of the trail. It seemed that snow fell only where we wanted to be

It was so sunny, Q got his first Trucker hat.

And with that... On to Christmas!! Ready for Cabo with this crew and Mimi and Bubba!!

Popped Collar Santa

Can't forget the family shots! 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tahoe #⃣ 1

There are so many awesome things to share about our trip to Tahoe with the Wetzel's but we've been up way too long to go into any creative detail so I'll update you on what may seem like a small thing to you but I assure you... It means the world to Q! He's really figuring out how to use his hands!!

Q holds a lot of things now...



Awesome Flyer Certificates

And at the risk of sounding super cheesy... My heart! Look at that cute little man looking out at the big big world!

Monday, November 25, 2013


I think I've mentioned before how much Q likes music. He loves it when I sing to him (although I don't think PK3 always appreciates my antics) and he loves listening to real music. Turning on some tunes is almost always sure to chill him out. 

What he doesn't always like so much is being in the stroller. I usually play music from my phone for him but we decided it was time he had his own tunes so we hooked up the jambox that PK3 was gifted for marrying our friends Lucky and Rebecca!

We'll probably have to put some more kid friendly music on the iPod but for now Billy Joel works wonders. He doesn't look so stoked in this pic but I assure you he is!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Making Bubba Proud

First of all... So sorry for the lag in updates! I didn't know what being sick was until I got sick with a little baby who gets up all night to say hi to us :)

Anyway, now that I'm on the mend I thought I'd tell you about one of our favorite morning happs.

Every morning while I'm brushing my teeth, Q brushes his too! He loves his little banana toothbrush. He also doesn't take his eyes off my toothbrush while it buzzes away.

I'm pretty sure The Doctor would be proud!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Admitting Defeat

PK3 and I could not have been more excited to have a little one to dress up for Halloween. PK3 was so excited that he went rogue and picked out a costume all on his own, about 5 weeks before the big day. I have to admit, it was perfect for Q... He was gunna be the snuggliest teddy bear ever!
We tried his costume on a couple of days before the 31st to make sure it fit... It sure did and it was the cutest thing ever... As expected, Q was not excited about his new threads. I wanted to snap a pic but figured we'd wait for the big day  so we could get Q with his cousins.

That didn't happen. We had a great time at the coolest Haloween party ever but little man LOST HIS MARBLES when we put the costume back on. It was very apparent we were not going to get a happy, smiley teddy bear pic that night. I wasn't too worried, I figured we'd just put it on him the next day, snap some pics and no one would be the wiser.

That didn't happen either. I left the costume sitting right by our front door so I'd walk by it often and be reminded of the task at hand. I was reminded, but unfortunately it wasn't to take the pic... It was of how mad Q was in the costume and I just couldn't do it. Now that it's almost Thanksgiving, I think it's time to admit defeat, let Q off the hook and put the costume away until we have another little one to turn into a teddy. 

I did however take a pic of the costume...

Cute huh?

And because every blog needs some Q..

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Life Tech

PK3 brought Q to my work on Monday. We had to visit all three buildings to introduce him to everyone who was asking about him. The whole tour took over an hour but Q did great! Everyone loved his Mohawk and shoes. Here he is with Jeanine and Ed... Two of the people I've spent the most time with over the past couple of years. 

They both said that Q made them want to have more kids!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

5 Months

At 5 Months, Q...

Has plenty of room in his 3-6 month clothes.

Wears size 2 diapers.

Puts everything in his mouth, bites down,  growls, and then aggressively pulls it out and starts over.

Loves playing with his pink spoon and Sophie.

Will stop crying for a song. "You are my Sunshine" and "5 Little Monkeys" (or munchies as we say at the Manor) have been long time favorites.

Has never slept through the night. He gets up twice to eat and usually a couple more times to say hi. Though he is putting himself back to sleep with no help more and more often.

Wears jeans and shoes on the reg.

Rolls over more than he means to.

Loves to read... Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Lama, Lama Red Pajama are his current favorites.

Still uses 2 left fingers to soothe himself. Unless he's really upset... Then he tries to get 8 in there. 

Has a passport.

Says very deliberate, short words and long oohs and ahhs.

Still loves to cuddle.

Has a new cousin Cruz that he can't wait to meet at Thanksgiving!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

🎉 Happy Birthday Parker!! 🎊

Q was invited to his first ever birthday party. We only lasted a bit over an hour but Q made time to show off his tricks.

Here he is doing Super Q with PK3 while watching the "older" kids play soccer.

And here he is posing with the birthday boy and his beautiful Mama. There was so much going on, we couldn't get Q to look at Daddy for the life of us!

Happy 3rd birthday Parker!!!! Q can't wait to run around with you... And date Ellie 😍

Can't get enough of this pic...

Friday, November 8, 2013

Bon Voyage

Who's the cutest international traveler EVER?!?!

This Guy!!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

No Pic Possible

I don't have a pic of what I wanted to capture today because my hands were busy reaching out for my Sweet Sweet Little Man when it happened. As you can imagine, going back to work has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. So hard, I couldn't even include it as part of the "blog of important things" because it felt too big to put into words. Today was the second day of my fourth week back. Work has picked up lately and I've spent more and more time away from Q. It breaks my heart constantly but we're all pushing through. Today, I arrived home well after it was dark. Corduroy was waiting at the door and quickly led me upstairs to Q's room. Q and PK3 were busy reading books in the rocker. As I walked into the room, Q looked right at me, smiled so big and reached out for me with both arms for the first time. Not only was it exactly what I needed in the middle of a long, hard week but also the sweetest, most touching and cutest gesture ever.... My heart melted and still does every time I picture his cute little face and wiggly little arms. I am so so so lucky to have all my boys to come home to. 

And because every blog needs a Q pic... Check out Q eating his feet with Daddy! You may remember from a previous blog that Q keeps all his chub in his fingers and feet... There's a whole lotta baby chub in this uh-mazing pic!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

King of the Castle

Sitting on top of all the pillows right after we make the bed is one of Corduroy's favorite things to do. 

PK3 thought he'd see if Schmunchie liked it too.

So atop them he sit waiting for what's next. 

But soon did he learn why Cordy liked it best!

Practicing and Multitasking

Q's new favorite toy is his spoon... He's practicing so he's all ready when it's time for solids. He loves it so much that he won't even put it down to play with his other toys. Silly boy! I can't believe we're already talking about giving him real food!!! 

And one more for good luck!

Car Riiiiiide!!

One of these boys loves car rides, the other... Not so much