Tuesday, November 5, 2013

No Pic Possible

I don't have a pic of what I wanted to capture today because my hands were busy reaching out for my Sweet Sweet Little Man when it happened. As you can imagine, going back to work has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. So hard, I couldn't even include it as part of the "blog of important things" because it felt too big to put into words. Today was the second day of my fourth week back. Work has picked up lately and I've spent more and more time away from Q. It breaks my heart constantly but we're all pushing through. Today, I arrived home well after it was dark. Corduroy was waiting at the door and quickly led me upstairs to Q's room. Q and PK3 were busy reading books in the rocker. As I walked into the room, Q looked right at me, smiled so big and reached out for me with both arms for the first time. Not only was it exactly what I needed in the middle of a long, hard week but also the sweetest, most touching and cutest gesture ever.... My heart melted and still does every time I picture his cute little face and wiggly little arms. I am so so so lucky to have all my boys to come home to. 

And because every blog needs a Q pic... Check out Q eating his feet with Daddy! You may remember from a previous blog that Q keeps all his chub in his fingers and feet... There's a whole lotta baby chub in this uh-mazing pic!

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