Tuesday, November 12, 2013

5 Months

At 5 Months, Q...

Has plenty of room in his 3-6 month clothes.

Wears size 2 diapers.

Puts everything in his mouth, bites down,  growls, and then aggressively pulls it out and starts over.

Loves playing with his pink spoon and Sophie.

Will stop crying for a song. "You are my Sunshine" and "5 Little Monkeys" (or munchies as we say at the Manor) have been long time favorites.

Has never slept through the night. He gets up twice to eat and usually a couple more times to say hi. Though he is putting himself back to sleep with no help more and more often.

Wears jeans and shoes on the reg.

Rolls over more than he means to.

Loves to read... Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Lama, Lama Red Pajama are his current favorites.

Still uses 2 left fingers to soothe himself. Unless he's really upset... Then he tries to get 8 in there. 

Has a passport.

Says very deliberate, short words and long oohs and ahhs.

Still loves to cuddle.

Has a new cousin Cruz that he can't wait to meet at Thanksgiving!!

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